Hi all, last night I added some new lights to Home Assistant and then asked my Google Home to sync my devices. Google replied there was an error connecting to Home Assistant so I headed to Google Actions to re-enable testing, only to be greeted with another error that something went wrong. At that point the Google integration worked with my previously configured devices, it just wouldn’t acknowledge the new lights because of the sync error. Then I thought unlinking and relinking the test app from Google Home might do the trick so I went ahead and unlinked it. Problem is now it doesn’t show up, trying to enable testing on Google Actions gives me the ambiguous error, so my Google Home has no devices. This setup has been working smoothly for almost a year, haven’t changed anything at all. Read about DuckDNS potentially having issues but why is the Google integration the only thing acting up? I’m attaching a screenshot of the error.
I had the same problem a week or so ago. I went back to the settings for the project, changed a few things and put it back how it was so I could save each page. Started the simulation again and then it started to be visible again in the Google home app.
That’s weird, so you ended up with exactly the same congfiguration you had before after changing a couple of things so it would let you re-save? Any ideas as to why this might be happening? Are you using DuckDNS too?
First the simulation fails to start but on page reload it shows as enabled. Still no show in the GH app.
You haven’t been migrated to CGNAT by your ISP? Do you still have a routable external IP address? Is your duckdns control panel showing the correct IP address?
Yes, that’s all I did but it was around the time of the duck DNS resolving issues so it could have just been the intermittent connecting problems we had. I was getting an error in the simulation until I did the resave. Maybe the resave just refreshed the page. I did not pay too much attention, just glad it started to work again. If it helps, I remember just editing the URL to my HA installation, then immediately putting it back how it was, the save button then gets enabled so I pressed save.