Can't reach HA on mini-PC with correct IP address

Hi. I just connected a mini-PC (Intel NUC) with HA pre-installed to power and LAN (no keyboard/screen), but can’t access it on my PC/iPad/Android through the IP I found for it in the router.

I also added a port forwarding for 8123, to no avail.

Steps I took:

  • I found its ip address in my router interface: (next to the ‘homeassistant’ entry which was there without my intervention, all I did was connecting the brand new mini-pc with HA pre-installed).
  • I forwarded port 8123 in my router.
  • I tried following addresses on my pc (“site can’t be reached”, with vpn turned on or off):
    • http:// (space after “//” is to avoid creating an unnecessary link here)
    • http:// homeassistant.local:8123/
    • http:// localhost:8123
  • I tried http:// on my ipad, same result
  • In the Android app, auto-connect ran endlessly so I tried entering address manually (http://homeassistant.local:8123/, http://localhost:8123), and that failed as well.

Any idea what further steps I need to take?


so, no / on the end tried also?

Yes, same result.

can you ping ?

Hi, welcome to the forum.

What do you mean by ‘pre-installed’?
Are you sure about the IP-adress, like @aceindy says: what if you ping it?
Are you using DHCP for IP-addressing: if so, make sure your HA has a fixed IP.
Can you connect a display to your system to verify the IP-address and that your system has booted up correctly?

First let’s delete port forwarding rules from your router. If you are trying to connect from the same LAN, you do not need any port forwarding.

What’s the IP of your router, and your PC, your Android (and it is on your LAN) and your iPad? Maybe you can post a screendump from your router UI.

Is there any vlan anywhere?