Can't reach my login page from google home

Hi everyone.

I´m new to HA, but i think this is quite fun, but extreamly time consuming :). I have tried to add my HA to Google home and followed both turtorial on youtube and HA support page. I have set a Cloudflare link to HA, and it works. I can reach my HA login page and can use my HA-app on my phone when i’m not at home. When i try to add my HA project in the Google Home app i can find it, but the login page does’nt load, and after a while i get a message with a loooong URL and a message that it cant be reached. If i copy the URL and remove the port number after my HA webadress (:8123) and paste it into a browser i get to the loginpage, i can type my username and password, but the project does’nt show up in “linked services”.
H hope someone can point me in the right direction here. Don’t know if it’s relevant, but i can add that if i go to a browser and type in my private home assistant URL i get to the loginpage, but if i add port number (:8123) to the URL it does’nt work.

Solved, i configured GH again without port number.