20:42:52][D][dallas.sensor:082]: Found sensors:
[20:42:52][D][dallas.sensor:084]: 0xa70214811610ff28
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:089]: Device '“Spa Temperature"'
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:089]: Device Class: 'temperature'
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:089]: State Class: 'measurement'
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:089]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:089]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:097]: Address: 0xa70214811610ff28
[20:42:52][C][dallas.sensor:098]: Resolution: 12
[20:42:52][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
But when its running, I get this error message over and over
[20:54:42][W][dallas.sensor:131]: '“Spa Temperature"' - Resetting bus for read failed!
[20:54:42][D][sensor:125]: '“Spa Temperature"': Sending state nan °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
I tried same code on a ESP8266 with same result.
My existing setup which runs on ESPEasy reads the temps with no problem.
Everything looks fine. Check wiring and soldering. Try another pin esp32. Check the length of the wire (long can be a problem). Alternatively, try another Dallas if you have one. I can’t think of anything else.
I have another dallas. I’m going to throw together another setup later today after work or tomorrow. This one is installed in the backyard, it will be easier to experiment in my “lab”.
Will post update after I try with a 2nd setup.
So I tried a DS18B20 in my “lab”, and that worked fine.
Moved back and same problem. So I reworked the data line/pullup connection, still no joy
Then I resoldered the VCC and Gnd connection to the DS, and finally it worked.
The VCC and gnd connections did look suspect. Just didn’t make sense since its been working with espeasy for many years.
I’ll probably change it back to an ESP8266 now. Tried that first, didn’t work so I tried the esp32.
One more question. How would I convert from C to F at with ESPHome? I can do it with templates in Home Assistant, pretty sure the method is similar with ESPHome.