Cant reinstall MyQ integration

i went to use MyQ Garage door and it was unavailable. So I removed the integration. when i went to reinstall the integration it fails with an unknown error. does anyone have a solution yet?

Did you search for this issue before posting about it? The issue has been reported many times already and a fix has been identified, merged, and awaiting a patch release. If you’re impatient, the patch can be implemented manually.

Yes I did and I did not find any current issues in this forum,they were all from May. So I wanted to make sure it was seen by this forum.
Thank you for your quick reply.

Are you serious?

Why yes I am serious ! That is in configuration. It is not a configuration problem it is a third party integration problem! Jerez I was trying to let more people know about it and Ge this cr€€!
Wow just wow I thought this forum was to help people not condem and belittle them for trying to help Moore people. I most likely will never post again!

So you are using a custom version of MyQ?

No but MyQ isn’t Homeassiatant so it is a third party integration. $

What are you talking about? MyQ is a listed HA integration. It’s not a third party integration as you stated.

The MyQ integration is part of homeassistant yes.
MyQ is not part of Homeassistant it is part of LiftMaster!!

Sorry I tried to help!!

Great, so email them for support. I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve.

The post I linked you too has the info to correct the current problem with the MyQ integration.