Can't remove Integration from HACS via UI

I installed the CryptoTracker and configured a Crypto as per the installation however, I’ve decided to go another root.

But when I press the ‘Remove’ button, nothing happens?

Nothing in the logs either…

I’ve tried manually removing (removing the folder & data from .storage folder) but no luck!
When I reboot the hacs.repositories updates with the below showing it’s still installed?

            "pushed_at": "2023-04-03T14:47:22",
            "releases": true,
            "version_installed": "v2.0.3",
            "last_fetched": 1680807769.519058

Anything else I can try to ‘brute force remove’?

Home Assistant Core 2022.6.6 - Docker Container

Uninstall the crypto you added, then uninstall the hacs repo.

I have deleted the Integration added and all entities etc have been removed.
I just can’t uninstall the Integration from HACS.

I attempted to remove another Integration from HACS and the pop-up box to confirm removal poped up… but this doesn’t happen with the crypto Integration.

Definitely an issue with the HACS Integration but I’m struggling to remove manually.

How about doing what the HACS author requests and post an issue on his github?

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Yeah I was going to do this after I worked out how to safely manually remove it.