Can't remove Midea ac lan integration which prevents removing it from HACS

So, HACs finally removed the package for Midea ac units. Now I can’t remove it from HACS because HACS says I need to remove the integration first. When I try to remove the integration it thinks I did, but it is still there.


Navigate takes me here…


But, it does not delete the entity.

What am I doing wrong? Can I just delete the custom_components/midea_ac_lan folder to kill it? I assume that I would need to have Home Assistant stopped to do it this way?

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Same here!!

Have you tried restarting Home Assistant?

Yes, many times. Also did the latest monthly update. I tried deleting the custom components folder for it and hacs just would not start after that. So, I did a full restore to get back up and running.

Any updates on this? Having the same issue.

Same issue

Nothing new with mine. Have tried a couple other things but no change.

Not sure where to make a ticket as no support from author.

I just updated to the latest HACS as the release notes for 2.0.4 said " Handle deprecation in lovelace data by @ludeeus in #4402"

I was on 2.0.3 and now on 2.0.5 and no change.

Not sure if it is the right place, but I just raised an issue with HACS backend.

So ludeeus close my ticket and said just hit the ignore button. Really useful as it does not delete the integration which is still stuck there and cannot be deleted.

He should have been more clear about where to click “Ignore,” since my first thought was also that he was talking about ignoring the notification. But he was referring to the “Ignore” button from the dialog above, which indeed removes the integration after clicking it.


That finally did it!!! Thanks for the guidance.

And how exactly does one get to this dialogue? This is a perfect example for a completely borked UI.

The initial ignore is done from within HACS by opening the midea install. Did and already forgot the specifics. I think it was the 3 dots on the upper right of that window and click remove or delete and then ignore. After I did that, I still could not clear the actual HA error until I rebooted HA and then it was just gone in devices.