Can't see or add devices to Google Home

Good Day All,

Looking for some help with configuration. I followed the instructions for setting up Google Assistant, and have gotten to the point where I go into the GA app, and ‘Add’ a new account. I see my [test] my test app, and when I click it, the app goes through a few pages, and I am given a message telling me “Successfully linked your [test] my test app account”. Unfortunately, I don’t see any of my devices, nor can I add them to my rooms.

I currently have 4 Ikea Tradfri lights, all of which are recognized and controllable via the Home Assistant GUI.

Any thoughts on where I might have messed up?

Have you exposed the devices to google assistant?

I’m not sure, so I’m going to guess I have not. Pardon my ignorance, but I’m not sure how to do that, or to check it. There was no instruction to do so in the guide. So, that might be it.

On the instructions page for the component, there is a section at the top on how to expose your devices example:

      google_assistant: true
      google_assistant_name: bedroom light
        - bedroom shades
        - bedroom covers
      google_assistant: true
      google_assistant_type: light

I personally have the option expose_by_default: false. That way I manual configure what gets shown to home assistant. Just a note that this will be changed in a future merge from customize.yaml into the configuration.yaml

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Thanks! Where do I find the name of my lights? Or am I just creating new names for them?

@gbboy Nevermind. I had set expose_by_default: false previously in hopes of troubleshooting another issue, but I just set it to true, and it’s working perfectly for my purposes (read: happy wife).

Appreciate your help!

Glad to hear you have it sorted. The WAF (wife approval factor) is always the main consideration when playing with these things haha