Can't seem to get the Kasa Matter Dimmer KS225P3 to connect to HA

I can’t seem to get this matter device into HA.

I use the mobile app to recoginize the device. I’m able to scan the matter qr code and it goes through its process up until I think its says something to the effect ‘importing into home assistant’ at that point it fails ‘something went wrong’.

I have latest HA installed 2023.11.3
I also have the matter server running in docker.
I’ve follow digiblurs instructions on setting this all up but can’t seem to get past this point.

Any help appreciated.

By the way, has anyone tried these? I’d love to get your take on them.

Same deal. I got these exact units connected to google home but can’t get it to connect to home assistant. Connects to the network, sets credentials but fails to connect to home assistant

I also have a KS225. HA does not see the switch… even if I add it the ‘old way’ through the Kasa App and connect it to WiFi like all my other Kasa switches, it does not appear in HA… and if I tell it to discover the KS225’s IP address, same result.

Attempts to add it via matter fail at the last step and the switch can’t be added.

Guessing the recently released Kasa products aren’t quite supported in the Kasa addon yet?

Newer (matter-enabled) devices use a different protocol over wifi. The good news is that this is getting implemented soon, you can subscribe to events on Add authentication to tplink integration for newer devices by sdb9696 · Pull Request #105143 · home-assistant/core · GitHub if you want to follow the progress!


Working with yesterdays update :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you!

My KS225 appeared with the 2024.02 update, woo! It is asking for credentials. Which credentials are these? I tried my HA login and my TPLink Kasa login, no dice.

Tried my TP-Link/Kasa login again and it worked.

It’s funny but I was able to get one switch onboarded but the other has problem.

Not sure if the issue is that the app is waiting for the switch to reboot then timesout.