Thanks for the info, I’ll try installing a Squeezeplay and see what happens.
No I don’t have any real squeezeBoxes I only have 6 SqueezeLites and 1 squeezePlay and it only works on the SqueezePlay.
I tested on a few different instances of Squeezelite (raspberry Pi) and Squeezeplay (Mac) but got the same result on all. I also don’t have a real Squeezebox.
Does anyone know a command line option to push a stream to a squeeze instance for testing? I want to try pushing the same MP3 from a variety of locations and see if it makes a difference.
I use squeezy for that
Also you can use HTTP for that look at this site for starters
I posted this in another thread: Text-to-Speech (TTS) stops current media playing without resuming it
Basically, removing the “base_url” definition resolved my troubles. For completeness, I am running HA behind an NGINX proxy w/ Let’s Encrypt.
No, squeezebox just won’t play the files. I removed base_url as prescribed above but it makes no difference. Haven’t had time to look into the command line options.
Ok, same for me
Too bad. TTS on SB would´ve been nice
But it’s only this ssl issue, isn’t it? Without ssl I have no problems with tts on SB!
Yes it seems to be related to SSL, I guess the best thing would be if the TTS url is created without https at all.
But I don´t know if its possible
Guys, I’m facing the same issue. Started troubleshooting and found this:
[17-06-15 17:44:39.9196] Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::canSeekError (815) bitrate unknown for:
klaus@nuc-prod1:~/Docker/lms$ file a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3_pl_-google.mp3
a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3_pl-_google.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2, 32 kbps, 24 kHz, Monaural
My TTS appears over on LMS, I actually can read the text in LMS that I sent from HASS but I can’t hear anything. Not using SSL or DNS Any Solution?
Still no solution for TTS + LMS +SSL?
This is too bad, would be a nice feature
This seems to be a combination to the parts involved somehow
Trying to play other HTTPS content through LMS = OK, So HTTPS should be fine.
Trying to play TTS in browser or VLC = OK, So the file exists and is accessible.
Trying to play TTS via LMS = FAIL, So no clue why it isn’t working… maybe specific encoding problems, as seen in @kstaniek’s reply?
Does anyone know a way to change the bitrate/encoding of the TTS file google returns?
Just signed up for Azure Cognitve Services (following
That works just fine, so it seems google related.
For what it’s worth, google gives Mono, 24000Hz 32-bit float but Microsoft outputs Mono, 16000Hz 32-bit float.
I’ll just stick with Microsoft for now.
This is what I added:
mp3 mp3 squeezelite *
# RT:{BITRATE=–abr %B}D:{RESAMPLE=–resample %D}
[mpg123] -q -s -w - $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ --resample 48000 - -
So microsoft tts is working through ssl with squeezebox? Can you for example tts current temperature through squeezebox?
You should be able to, I haven’t got mine setup to read out states tho. Just static phases like ‘there is someone at the door’
This is a problem in squeezelite when playing short files (1.7 - 1.8.6).
Upgrade the squeezelite version preferably to the latest (squeezelite-
Because I have already installed squeezelite enough:
Stop Squeezelite Player
sudo systemctl stop squeezelite.service
Create a squeezelite “work” directory and download squeezelite
mkdir squeezelite
cd squeezelite
wget -O squeezelite-armv6hf.tar.gz
tar -xvzf squeezelite-armv6hf.tar.gz
Move it to the usr directory, and make it executable
sudo mv squeezelite /usr/bin
sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/squeezelite
Start Squeezelite Player
sudo systemctl start squeezelite.service