Text-to-Speech (TTS) stops current media playing without resuming it

Ditto here. Never got it to work properly. Tried Google, Yandex, and Voicerss all without success. I see the proper url in the mediaplayer which I tested in a browser and it worked. Just getting silence from my LMS on any player.

What version is your LMS that running on your NAS? Also, are you using SSL with HASS?

I´m running LMS 7.9 on a ReadyNas with Lets Encrypt SSL for HASS.
For what I can read in other threads this is a problem…

I was testing last night on LMS 7.9 running on both Debian and OSX pushing to a Squeezebox Radio. The display within the SBR shows it unable to connect to the HASS URL. I’m running LE SSL as well. I suspected the HTTPS/SSL might be the issue. Seems based on your experience and mine that might be it.

Ironically, HA shows the SBR and after the MP3 is attempted to be streamed and fails, it shows in the Media Player within HA’s UI. If I click play, it works as intended.

Yes :(, more info here:

But @DrJeff got it to work with Squeezeplay

I tested removing the “base_url” definition in configuration.yaml, and it’s working now :slight_smile: I can still reach my HA instance via the HTTPS FQDN I have mapped to my home, so not sure I even needed the “base_url” definition. In any event, test this, I think it will work for you.

Unfortunately this didn´t help for me.
Now the url is internal (192.168…), which might be better, but there is still no sound.
If I copy the url to browser it plays the mp3 just fine.

Tried it with a SB Receiver and Radio, could it be a codec issue?

BTW, are you using Google TTS?
Do you mind sharing your working conf for TTS?

The github user jsmath postet here a statement that he has a working skript with a pause and restart function. Does anyone has this script from him?

I’m working on a solution with xmpp bot who can add bookmarks then play tts file and resume playing in kodi. When setup is finished I’ll post it of course if anyone is interested in

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For Squezzeboxes this script is working: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/squeezebox-audio-alert-script/11774

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Hi guys, listen I just want to say good work on that scrip. i just tried it in my environment myself, but for some reason it doesn’t really fully worked for me. My first issue is, on my squeezebox I can only see a display text or an mp3 file and my second issue is that my previous playlist did not get restored. I’m using HA 0.41 and my squeezebox is 7.9.0

Same here.

Latest version of HA 0.45.1 and LMS 7.9.0. After playing the MP3 file, my original playlist doesn’t get restored.

Any ideas?

I had to do this in node-red. My only issue is that the call to play TTS resumes music even when it wasn’t playing. I am using Volumio and it’s REST API is limited. However, the issue seems to be that when it plays a TTS, it removes what was previously playing so resume can only start from the beginning of a number from a queue rather than the point in the song. This is ok for web radio, but not ideal for media songs. I can live with this, I can’t however live with music starting to play after TTS if it wasn’t before.

I have exactly the same issue iwth the resume music after tts. I´m using the original setup
It is a bit wierd and it seems not to be all the time?

I was able to fix most of my issues with a lot of node-red and some bash scripting on the Volumio server including dealing with my amp being in standby.

I guess this is all outside of HA now, however HA now has a generic mqtt tts endpoint on node-red to send anything that requires speech to be played.

What I did was buy a cheap speaker and hooked up a chromecast audio too it, then hid the speaker so you can’t see it. When ever I need TTS I have it sent to that speaker instead of my main Google Home.

Does anyone have a solution for google home?

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interested in a solution for chromecast to resume after tts

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i’m here as well (resuming previous playlist on Google Home/Chromecast). Complaint from the S.O. on my new “Yes, the dog has been fed” automation. She’s frequently running music through the house, but when I fire the TTS through an automation she loses the playlist.

Help would be appreciated.

I’m having the same issue. I wonder if it’s possible to use the variables component to keep track of volume level and media being played.

And then use automations to check when a media player stops for TTS and then resume the last played media source.