Can't set "name" property of history graphs


Having some issues setting names on history graph entities. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if it’s a bug, so I thought I’d ask you guys before submitting to the github tracker (and would it go in the frontend, home assistant or hassio tracker?).

Card config:

  - entity: sensor.FilamentHumidity
    name: Box 1
  - entity: sensor.FilamentHumidity2
    name: Box 2
  - entity: sensor.FilamentTemperature
    name: Box 1
  - entity: sensor.FilamentTemperature2
    name: Box 2
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: 0
title: Filament Boxes
type: history-graph

configuration.yaml example (all of these sensors are setup the exact same way):

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "FilamentTemperature"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    state_topic: "sensor/filament_temperature"

Home assistant 0.100.3
Frontend 20191002.2
HassOS 2.11

Any ideas/anyone else with the same problem? Thanks! :slight_smile: