Can't set RGB Color

Hi Guys,

I have a problem, I think I saw some simmilair topics but none of them offer a solution for me. When I call a service to turn my RGB LED strip on, I can’t give it a RGB_Color parameter. If I do, the light simply will not turn on. This is the service I’m calling:

  "entity_id": "light.rgbw_tvwand_level1",
  "rgb_color": "[255,102,0]"

I also tried different formats like [255, 102, 0] or [255,102,000] and many more but nothing works.

When I try this it does work:

  "entity_id": "light.rgbw_tvwand_level1",
  "color_name": "red"

rgb_color wants a list of three numbers, but by putting quotes around it you’re making it a string. Remove the quotes:

  "entity_id": "light.rgbw_tvwand_level1",
  "rgb_color": [255,102,0]

Thank you!! All working now. :smile: