Cant setup ios Mobile App

i have had to reset my iPhone 8 Plus and now i cant get the latest Home Assistant mobile app to work.
It see my HA on the network but after that it comes up with this.

I have deleted my intergration so i get a fresh start.

Can anyone help me on this. i have tried to uninstall the app and turned off the phone. but it still keeps doing the same thing.

Turn off wi-fi, use 4G/LTE wireless (external) connection instead. Use your external URL and do not enter an internal/LAN connection.

Thanks that worked

Nice one have to remember that.


I’ve set this up and it’s solved the problem for me too. Thank you!

But why did I need to do this? The app was working perfectly well for me before.
I think updating to 0.104.3 may have been what broke it, as all was well before then.

And moving to DuckDNS has meant I’ve now lost local access.

Check to see if your home network router supports “hairpin NAT”. This feature recognizes local IP destinations and handles them appropriately from within your local area network.

I’ve a BT SmartHub 2 router, which apparently doesn’t have this feature. I was alway going to set up DuckDNS at some point. But didn’t realise I would loose local access doing this. I’m not too knowledgable on networking, but assumed Iocal access would be retained.

So I’ve fixed app access for my iphone, but now my wife’s Android app can’t connect. I gotta fix that!!

I’m also now not receiving any notifications either.

So I’ve gone back to v 0.103.6 + disabled DuckDNS and all is OK. So I think it’s safe to say the update broke it for me. Will try going back to DuckDNS when I’ve done more reading on ios notifications.

Have a look at the companion app networking guide:

It should help you do exactly what you need to do.

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