Cant setup static ip but want secure remote network

Im new to Home Assistant and i am trying to setup a secure remote network for home assistant and all my devices. i cannot setup a static ip because of my network provider. i do not have nabu casa. i have been in through duck dns dhcp lease i am trying with wireguard because i have surfshark vpn but i cant find the ssl to make a qr code
. i am looking for something that will work with my setup which is
Home Assistant: OS
Home assistant is Running on oracle virtual box which is running linux, network mode is set to “bridged adapter”
Oracle virtual box is installed on windows 10 dell laptop.
The windows 10 dell laptops purpose is to run home assistant and whatever home automation software needed.
I access my virtual home, home assistant, octoprint, google, alexa etc. via another computer (dell alienware r13 windows 11), a lg k410 phone and remotely
I am running the network off a gigahub 4000: modem, which i cannot make a static ip with
I access my home assistant config through VS Code addon for home assistant
i hope this is in the right category. TIA!

There are a lot options for remote access. You can briefly see them here.
I use nabu casa and I strongly suggest you to try it. It’s free for a month and the easiest way to get your remote access.

You don’t tell us which install method you used in the VM, but assuming HA OS:

After Nabu Casa the next easiest I’ve found is the Tailscale add-on.