Can't start on Tinkerboard


I’m trying to setup a new Asus tinker board with
The board model i’m using is the regular (not S - RK3288).

After flashing my sd card with Etcher, i plug it into the board and it start and lot of lines running on the screen. after about a minute it turn off and there it ends.

What am I doing wrong?


Update: this is the issue:

I ended up installing v2.6. All the other didn’t work.

You could try to run it under Armbian - more polished kernel OS combo and is also running inside Docker container.

running 2.10 on tinkerboard without issue . Updated from 2.9 also no issue

I’m flashing the image with Etcher to the SD card, and it boot fine.
after about a minute, the device turns off.

Any idea?

I had the same issue, it was the power supply not powerful enough. Turned out with a more powerful one connected direclty to the +3.3 and Gnd Gpio pins instead of using the USB C connector

Sounds like power . Im using an official Raspberry PI power supply, as I replaced the Pi with the Tinkerboard. No problems

It was the power adapter.