Cant start z.wav

Hi’ New to this forum and HA, most of my sensors is up an running, but can’t get z-wave up, in the log file I have this:

2020-12-28 09:26:50.172 Error, Options have been locked. No more may be added.
2020-12-28 09:26:50.172 Error, Options have been locked. No more may be added.
2020-12-28 09:26:50.172 Error, Options are already final (locked).
2020-12-28 09:26:59.255 Info, mgr, Cannot add driver for controller /dev/ttyACM0 - driver already exists

How do I remove a driver?

Have you tried rebooting the host device? We’re you testing different Zwave implementations and is an addon maybe locking the device?

Yes I have removed z-wave integration, rebooted, and then add the integration again. I can see that the log file is not removed, it might be that a removal of integration don’t clean as expected - and that’s why the driver is still there?

Is any other device on that port? What kind of devices are you using and which install? Eg Raspberry Pi 4 with Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 using HassOS. Has it worked before?

Hi Rick
I have 3 USB devices connected:

  • Zigate (Zigbee) (works)
  • RFXCOM (432 Mhz) (works)
  • Z-wave (AEOTEC, ZW090, Aeon Labs)

I used it all before with Domoticz, but want to migrate to HA.
The z-wave stick has been working on /dev/ttyACM0 - but I was not able to get my NorthQ power sensor up, so I deleted the Z-wave and was trying to reinstall. That’s where it all started …

I’m not sure how I see USB port usages, because I have no access to OS - but under installation and in the log files there is no errors related to USB.

I found this under Host sytem/Hardware


  • /dev/ttyAMA0
  • /dev/ttyACM1
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  • /dev/ttyUSB0
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A1YV33ZH-if00-port0
  • /dev/ttyUSB1
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_ZiGate_0001-if00-port0

A bit strange that I can’t see my Aeotec stick

Think it is this stick… (aeotec)

Sorry, but it report that it’s not the right USB path when installing the z-wave, then I tried /dev/ttyACM1 with the same result.

What zwave? Where are you doing it?

After a complete reset, power off, and on again - it seems to start the z-wave, but not in practice, in my log file I found this:
2020-12-28 22:06:31.907 Info, Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2020-12-28 22:06:31.916 Error, ERROR: Cannot open serial port /dev/ttyACM0. Error code 6
2020-12-28 22:06:31.916 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port /dev/ttyACM0
2020-12-28 22:06:31.916 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 4)
2020-12-28 22:06:31.916 Detail, contrlr, Notification: DriverFailed

And under Hardware i now have:

  • /dev/ttyAMA0
  • /dev/ttyACM1
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  • /dev/ttyUSB0
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A1YV33ZH-if00-port0
  • /dev/ttyUSB1
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_ZiGate_0001-if00-port0

Removed z-wave integration again
Then done a new reboot of the system
Installed z-wave integration
Then /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00 seems to be working …
But still no data from my NorthQ power reader (Node3), except for 83% of battery - in the log file I have:

2020-12-28 22:20:51.486 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries m_allNodesQueried=0 m_awakeNodesQueried=0
2020-12-28 22:20:51.486 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries all=0, deadFound=0 sleepingOnly=1
2020-12-28 22:20:51.487 Info, Node query processing complete except for sleeping nodes.
2020-12-28 22:20:51.487 Detail, Node001, Notification: NodeQueriesComplete
2020-12-28 22:20:51.488 Detail, contrlr, Notification: AwakeNodesQueried
2020-12-28 22:22:33.212 Info, Node003, Value::Set - COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP - Wake-up Interval - 0 - 1 - 900
2020-12-28 22:22:33.212 Detail,
2020-12-28 22:22:33.212 Detail, Node003, Queuing (WakeUp) WakeUpCmd_IntervalSet (Node=3): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x03, 0x06, 0x84, 0x04, 0x00, 0x03, 0x84, 0x01, 0x25, 0x0c, 0xcb
2020-12-28 22:22:33.213 Detail,
2020-12-28 22:22:33.213 Detail, Node003, Queuing (WakeUp) WakeUpCmd_IntervalGet (Node=3): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x03, 0x02, 0x84, 0x05, 0x25, 0x0d, 0x4d

It seems to be ok, will it be possible to poll the NorthQ every 15 min?

But a bit strange that I can’t see my z-wave stick:


  • /dev/ttyAMA0
  • /dev/ttyACM0
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
  • /dev/ttyUSB0
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A1YV33ZH-if00-port0
  • /dev/ttyUSB1
  • /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_ZiGate_0001-if00-port0

You can see it…

Wait for everything to wake up or wake manually

Seems like the stick switched to ttyACM1 before. Best to use the serial ID because of that. Battery operated devices check in at set intervals unless woken up manually by a button or something.

Thanks, can see my NorthQ sensor, but only one Entity (Battery), I’m sure the problem is to wake the Northq sensor.