I know that I’m late to update, but as I’m now on version 0.113.3 of the core I need to update, but it doesn’t seems to work.
I’ve updated both the OS(9.2) and the Supervisor(2022.10.0) to the latest version.
But when I try to update core i looks like everything is good, but when I check with core info after the update it’s the same version as before. I’ve tried with both a specific version and just to update to the latest.
Does anyone know if it is possible to update from 0.113.3 to latest version?
I was thinking if it is possible to do it one version at the time , so first go to 0.114.1 and the 0.115.1 and so on, is that possible?
Maybe I have updated the OS and Supervisor to fast so they not are in sync with the core?
But the system is healthy if I check Supervisor info.
So can someone help me with this?