Hi. I’m running my HA as VE on proxmox 7.3-3. I tried several times to update the core, but after some time (I waited 2 hours) the update “freeze”. I get io-errors on the proxmox and nothing happens. I tried to stop and run the machine, but the ve doesn’s boot. It stops on some errors with hassos mounting or so. I did a snapshot before I startet the updates.
Are you really trying to jump 10 years ahead in one go?
There would be so many breaking changes that I think it would be much more work than to do a fresh install.
If you need to update and not do a fresh install then update like in a year or 6 month steps and correct breaking changes at each step.
in the meantime between your ver and recent one, there were changes in db which moght take hours to execute. It’s possible that deploying most recent ha from scratch and using config backups to configure is the fastest way. Strught update might be even not possible due to some breaking changes which require manual changes to configuration.yaml
Really from scratch? 2023.1.5 to 2023.1.7 (latest) is minor update.
To OP, yes I got the same issue upgrading 2023.1.5 to 2023.1.6. The HA user interface was frozen for hours. Even though my HA is still practically empty, only has slimme meter integration and device tracking, 2 weeks old. So, it should not have big database.
At the end, I forced reboot via Proxmox console. Once rebooted, I could upgraded. But after some time I restored 2023.1.5 vm snapshot because experienced instability with slimme meter. Although I can’t confirm it was caused by the update.
The original post said from 2013.1.5, not 2023.1.5, so that is why there is a confusion in the first couple of posts.
I am not even sure HA existed in 2013, but I was not sure.