Hello, I just moved and am trying to update the location of my home. Settings > System > General gives me the option to “Edit location” and when I click edit it brings me to the zones page. However when I click the pencil edit icon, it just brings me right back to that General settings page creating an infinite loop.
Did you define the location parameters (name, latitude/longitude, elevation, …) in the configuration.yaml file ?
It it is the case, you have to change it there…
Just trying to the same thing as I moved house recently.
I can not change the location of my house. I have tried to drag the home to its new position but it always revert to the old one. I can’t find any update button.
Just the same as the with the bug mentions above (issue 13471) I end up in a loop with not way to save the new position.
I fixed it by updating the yam but it seems like a step backwards to have to do that