Home in map - help

My Home location in map is grayed

Editor disabled because config stored in configuration.yaml.

I want to change the position of my home and to expand the radius.

I can see that the “” /config/.storage/core.config folder “” the following.
Can I just delete the data, restart HA and set the new Home address?

    "data": {
        "elevation": 0,
        "latitude": xxxx,
        "location_name": "Home",
        "longitude": xxxx7,
        "time_zone": "UTC",
        "unit_system": "metric"
    "key": "core.config",
    "version": 1

Since version 105, zones can be configured in the UI. I suggest deleting your zones in configuration.yaml and add them via UI.

I did delete them. However the home spot remains at the same location, and it is greyed. I can add locations but I can not change the home location at all

The home zone is set in the general tab. Go to the sidebar -> Configuration -> General. There you can set the home location.

That is the problem. It wont let me change the home. see picPicture1

it is greyed…

This is the zone tab, you need to change your home location in the general tab. The home location is the only location that can’t be set in the zone tab, because it is already set in the general tab.

this is my general tab

Then you need to either change the location details (elevation, longitude, latitude) in configuration.yaml in the section homeassistant: or remove it from the configuration.yaml and set it through the UI.

So do you know for sure if I can I delete the following, or I will cause trouble to HA?
as I said in the begging it is located in “” /config/.storage/core.config folder “”

    "data": {
        "elevation": 0,
        "latitude": xxxx,
        "location_name": "Home",
        "longitude": xxxx7,
        "time_zone": "UTC",
        "unit_system": "metric"
    "key": "core.config",
    "version": 1

I assume this will be automatically removed when you remove the configuration from configuration.yaml, but not sure. Just try it.

the problem is that the it is located at the ” /config/.storage/core.config folder “” and not at the configuration yaml.

2 days ago I added in the core file a radius variable (in order to expand it) and HA stopped working!
I had to use ssh and delete the radius variable in order to make it work again.

Thus now I am afraid to delete the particular data without a confirmation that it won’t brig HA,

if someone knows for sure please advice

So there is no

  elevation: xxx
  latitude: xxx
  longitude: xxx

in your configuration.yaml?


I just deleted the core config data, and HA is stuck :frowning:

Why did you delete it?? Of course it is stuck now, there’s no info in storage and no configuration for core

Can you tell me what do you have in yours ” /config/.storage/core.config folder “ please?

I believe when I return home (in an hour) I will add again the values and will reopen.

I just need to know what others have in the core. config folder and find a solution with the home location and radius

** what is the minimum data that ” //core.config folder “ can have in order to open and to lock my location?

So, I did replace the data in core config, and HA is back.
I noticed that in my configuretion yaml had

  time_zone: Europe/Athens

I deleted it and I manage to configure home in correct position. I reinstall companion app, I added a new zone for my Home and now it reports correct that I am home!

So everything is working right (at the moment)


There is a significant problem with this map tool to set the location. If you have to drag the pin from the starting point to the opposite side of the planet the pin becomes so small as to be invisible if you zoom the map as required to move across oceans and continents. The pin size needs to be zoomed to a minimum size that is suitable for this task and remains visible at high zoom-outs.

Just if anyone allse runs in to this.
None of the following can exist in yaml config in order for you to switch over to UI based config =

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