Update release not shown in hassio tab.
I don’t see the update yet either. There’s often a day or two delay. Patience.
That’s because https://s3.amazonaws.com/hassio-version/stable.json still return that the newest version is 76.2 and I also waiting for it
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On my Docker install (using linux server install script) I did a docker pull manually, which provided me with 0.77.0. But I got a notification that there is an “update”, which was 0.76.2.
I just wait until I get a notification:
- id: update_available
alias: 'Update Available Notifications'
platform: state
entity_id: updater.updater
service: notify.ios_iphone
message: 'Update for Home Assistant is available.'
sound: "Update.wav"
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Me too… and I think 0.77.1 is latest
Update available! 🎉
Home Assistant 0.76.2 is available
You are currently running version 0.77.0
Yes, the latest version should be 0.77.1, but it’s not yet on Docker Hub. I’ll just stay at the manually updated 0.77.0 until an update is available.