Canvas-gauge-card not on center?

canvas-gauge-card not on center and not shows as half? Why?

Here is test:

Here is my config:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 100
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 100
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 100
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear

I used to have this issue periodically, one thing I found that fixes the problem is putting it as an element on a picture-elements card. This may not be the answer you are looking for but it helps with displaying on different types of displays such as from phone and desktop.
I have several examples here:
Canvas Gauge Backgrounds

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Can you share example configuration?

The above link has several examples on GitHub along with the pictures.
Here is one example thou:

type: picture-elements
image: /local/gauge/AQI_Index.png
  - type: state-label
      top: 84%
      left: 50%
      box-shadow: none
      background-color: transparent
    entity: sensor.purpleair_description
    prefix: ''
    attribute: ''
    title: null
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.purpleair_aqi_a
      top: 50%
      left: 50%
      width: null
      heigth: null
      box-shadow: none
      background-color: transparent
      type: radial-gauge
      title: AQI
      width: 230
      height: 230
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 500
      startAngle: 40
      ticksAngle: 280
      valueBox: true
        - '0'
        - '50'
        - '100'
        - '150'
        - '200'
        - '250'
        - '300'
        - '350'
        - '400'
        - '450'
        - '500'
      minorTicks: 5
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 0
          to: 50
          color: rgba(104, 225, 67, .75)
        - from: 50
          to: 100
          color: rgba(255, 255, 85, .75)
        - from: 100
          to: 150
          color: rgba(239, 133, 51, .75)
        - from: 150
          to: 200
          color: rgba(234, 51, 36, .75)
        - from: 200
          to: 300
          color: rgba(140, 26, 75, .75)
        - from: 300
          to: 500
          color: rgba(115, 20, 37, .75)
      borders: 'no'
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 4
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear
      valueBoxBorderRadius: 10
      colorValueBoxRect: '#222'
      colorValueBoxRectEnd: '#333'
      valueDec: 0
      valueInt: null
  - type: image
    image: /local/gauge/AQI_Logo.png
      top: 50%
      left: 50%
      width: 25%
      box-shadow: none
      background-color: transparent


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I just reread your question and missed the part of the half, that is because your starting angle is 90.

Thx, I wanna display as half, but I have whole circle.

I wanna have look like this:
In that case you want to change your card_height: to 57 and see if that is what you want.

I try this but not working. I see no difference.

post your yaml again as it is now.
Ah, you might have to clear cache and reload after you change your settings for the gauge (sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t) try Ctrl-F5

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Thx @GlennHA now is ok.


Was it the Ctrl-F5?

Yes :slight_smile:

Yep, that bits me every now and then. I make changes and I don’t see any changes, so I make more, then I realize…probably need to clear the cache and try it. I have almost just got in the habit of clear cache every change whether it worked already or not. Clear the cache on the phone apps sometimes needs to be done, which is a little more difficult (not hard, just a lot of sub sub sub sub menus).

I would still post your updated yaml so others can see the code and it might help them. You could edit and add it to the post with the pics above so it is all together.

Working card :slight_smile:


type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 57
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 57
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear
  - type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.bathroom_esp_sensor_temperature
    card_height: 57
    background_color: '#FFF'
      type: radial-gauge
      borderShadowWidth: 0
      borderOuterWidth: 0
      borderMiddleWidth: 0
      borderInnerWidth: 0
      width: 100
      height: 100
      minValue: 0
      maxValue: 100
      startAngle: 90
      ticksAngle: 180
      valueBox: false
        - '0'
        - '10'
        - '20'
        - '30'
        - '40'
        - '50'
        - '60'
        - '70'
        - '80'
        - '90'
        - '100'
      minorTicks: 2
      strokeTicks: true
        - from: 80
          to: 100
          color: rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)
      colorPlate: '#ddd'
      borders: false
      needleType: arrow
      needleWidth: 2
      needleCircleSize: 7
      needleCircleOuter: true
      needleCircleInner: false
      animationDuration: 1500
      animationRule: linear