Canvas Gauge setup in Home Assitant 0.110.1

I’m stuck with this card, what have to bee in place to get this to work ? I have installed it with HACS, and that is how far I have come.

I would like to know how to set up this, it would be a nice way to display my windsonic sensor.

  1. how to setup this card i lovelace ? haven’t got the examples to work.
  2. where should each config file be in the config folder, where should the vanvas-gauge-card.js be ? Currently it’ in the “/www/community/canvas-gauge-card/” folder.

I don’t use this card but I took a quick look at the documentation. Assuming you are using lovelace YAML mode, the resource statement in the repository is clearly out of date although it is correctly shown in the install dialog. It should be

   - url: /hacsfiles/canvas-gauge-card/canvas-gauge-card.js
     type: module

These lines should of course be in the configuration.yaml file now as of HA 0.109.
If you don’t use YAML mode and you added this card after upgrading to 0.110 and you have the latest HACS installed it should add the resource information automatically to the configuration for you.
The location of the files you list above is correct.

This is what i get if I try to set up an manual card with the above information.

Cannot read property 'setConfig' of undefined

I have a ui-lovelace.yaml fil in the config directory containing the example code from the repository.

Anyway I looking to setup a circular gauge off some sort suitable to show wind direction in a maritime way, is there any other cards or modules that can be used ?

None that I’m aware of.

I have made another way to show wind direction with a 24 pixel neopixel ring from Adafruit running on a ESP32. This will be made into an physical display.this is quite cool and it works with little programming.

Nice! I’ve made a biome to house my son’s exotic plants and lizards with an ESP32. Lots of fun, good hobby.
Am I correct in assuming you are using lovelace in yaml mode?

Yes, I have set up two instances off lovelace, one in default mode and the other in yaml mode. I’m testing out different ways to organice all the sensors.

I have 7 ESP32 running with both sensors and display units, among them two Gill Windsonic anemometers.

I also have an idea to setup some kind off old style analog looking display, and using servos to move the hands in the gauges.

Well with all that you are probably pretty aware of how to get Home Assistant to do what you want. Sometimes it’s hard to know how up on the technology people. Your projects sound very cool! My background is electrical engineering but I really only ever coded during my career so HA not only allowed me to get back into programming but also practice some EE which I never got to do. Well dinner time. Have a good day.

Home Assistant is a good platform to make pretty cool stuff and automations, and combined with ESPHome and other projects, its easy to make things to work with Home Assitant.
My backround is software engigneering, but I have worked with alot off other tech stuff. So I think I design something and print it out on my 3d printers to make some off these ideas complet.