CapiBridge ESP-NOW / LoRa Gateway

CapiBridge is an open-source gateway for low-power devices. It supports LoRa and ESP-NOW. The gateway receives JSON strings from LoRa and ESP-NOW sensors and publishes them to an HA MQTT server with autodiscovery. It automatically separates the JSON string into dynamic MQTT topics based on keys within the JSON, such as “b” for battery or “m” for motion. Any sensor or node that sends a JSON string with special keys ('k' for the gateway private key and 'id' for the node name, both of which are mandatory) will be automatically discovered. This gateway simplifies adding new DIY nodes/sensors to your smart home by standardizing the communication protocol across all DIY projects.

JSON example

  "k": "xy",
  "id": "ESP32",
  "b": "3.8",
  "rw": "Test123",
  "dr": "on"

Supported Entities

Key Description Unit of Measurement Required
k Private Gateway key - Yes
id Node Name - Yes
r RSSI dBm No
b Battery Voltage Volts No
v Volts Volts No
pw Current mAh No
l Luminance lux No
m Motion Binary on/off No
w Weight grams No
s State Anything No
t Temperature °C No
t2 Temperature 2 °C No
hu Humidity % No
mo Moisture % No
rw ROW Anything No
bt Button Binary on/off No
atm Pressure kph No
cd Dioxyde de carbone ppm No
dr Door Binary on/off No
wd Window Binary on/off No
vb Vibration Binary on/off No

The new entities can be easily added…