The new naming conventions are a great step towards more uniform names in Home Assistant. However, I wish friendly names (of areas, devices, entities) were stored in lowercase (except parts that are proper names and should always be capitalized). Then we could apply some simple logic (and user preferences) when using the names depending on context.
For example, in a title, some people might want to use title case. In a sentence, you probably want the name to be lowercase unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence. And when concatenating device and entity names, you could avoid ugly things like “Laundry machine Power usage”.
Just using lower doesn’t work anyway, because that would also make proper nouns that should remain capitalized lowercase. For example, you might have device/entity names that include brand names like “Google Home” or “iPhone”. You might also have areas that include proper nouns, such as if you live in a house that has a name.
The only way I see to make it consistently correct is to store the names in lowercase (except proper nouns) and then capitalize as required by a given context.