Capture Still Image From Ring On Motion

Hi, this question has been asked before but not really answered.
Does anyone know how to capture an image from a Ring Doorbell and save it locally?

I came across a post that did the following but I’m unsure where the IP address comes from?

service: downloader.download_file
  url:{{ state_attr('camera.front_door', 'entity_picture') }}
  subdir: camera_front_door
  filename: front_door.jpg
  overwrite: true

I have a much simpler setup, assuming HA has the cam altready integrated …

  - platform: local_file
    file_path: /config/www/something_cam_latest.png

Hi thanks for the reply. I think the approach that I posted isn’t so much for getting an image file from a folder but more getting the camera to take a photo and save the image to a folder. May be wrong but thats how I read it.

Looks like I have solved it. So replacing the “” in the above snippet with my nabu case url allows this to work. A still image from my Ring doorbell is saved to the downloads folder. :slight_smile:

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