Carbon Monoxide detector is very "chatty" - Tuya TS0601

Wonder if anyone has any useful info on this Carbon Monoxide Detector:
TuYa TS0601_smart_CO_air box.
Zigbee version and I’m using Z2M.

I’ve got 4 of these devices and don’t get me wrong they all work fine.
However they are very,very vocal ! - They each report in about once a second !
My Z2M logs are crammed with messages from these devices.
My Zigbee network is ok but not what I would call perfect. I’ve tried to ensure I’ve adhered to all of the known Zigbee issues etc. I’m just wondering if all this chatter could compromise the Zigbee bandwidth ?
Has anyone got any experiences they can share ?

You can read this thread on GitHub; it has a workaround for HA updates but no fix to the Zigbee network over-reporting Reduce reporting interval on the TS0601 air quality sensor · Issue #8966 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

Thanks for the pointer. I’ve had a look at the Git and I see what you mean. In the short term I’ve disabled them all and switched them off. Now doing a bit of testing to establish if my Zigbee network is noticeably more stable and responsive. I suspect it will be !
Disappointing to see this issue has been knocking around since 2021 without a firmware fix - but at least I now know there’s no point chasing this rainbow !

Just ran into this issue, seems like it hasn’t been resolved yet. Have you had any luck with the TS601 since your post?