Im currently in the progress of transitioning my self developed dashboard to HA, as maintaining 2 different things is too time consuming.
I’m currently searching for 2 more card / integration combinations to somehow achieve what I need.
- Message Feed
On my dashboard, I used a Message Feed to get some information about stuff happening. These Messages are generated by participating iot devices through mqtt and displayed like this:
Any one knows a suitable replacement for something like this?
- Table Widget
The Main Reason why I started my personal Dashboard years ago was: Backups.
I’m monitoring about 100 different Backup States for various customers. Email Notifications report daily, but ofc. The Main Issue was that the absence of a success OR Error Notification can run long time unnoticed.
So, one of the core features was a table-widget that not only reports data (based on a script reading the email notifications) but more over had a STALE-Period setting, so if records are not updated within 24h, they have been marked STALE, indicating an unknown issue with that particular backup.
Also for disk space of various vms the same pattern is used: 1) sorted based on actual status, 2) stale records all to the top.
Suggestions for a replacement of such a Card?