Card issue

I have add madmicio/ampli-panel-card as custom reposity so far so good.
but i can not find the ampli-panel-card plugin
so there for i can not create a reference inside the resources config.
this is the config example:

  • entity: media_player.marantz_sr6010
    type: ‘custom:ampli-panel-card’
    name: zona 1
    brand: Marantz
    info: AV Surround Receiver SR6010
    zone2: media_player.proiettore #(option)

pretty stupid but what do i doing wrong.
any tips are very welcome.

That usually happens on newly installed ‘cards’ once in a while. It will generally catch up and start showing… I usually do things like clear the cache on my broswer etc. But you must also retart HA as well.

For future reference please use this button Capture then put your code in between the ‘tick’ marks where it says ‘type or paste code here’ and it will look like this:

entity: media_player.marantz_sr6010
type: ‘custom:ampli-panel-card’
name: zona 1
brand: Marantz
info: AV Surround Receiver SR6010
zone2: media_player.proiettore #(option)

Much easier for people to help you that way :slight_smile:

Hi Cowboysdude,
first thing is solved!!
thanks for that.
second thing is how can i reduce the size of the Custom card.
can not find where to do this

How did you set up the resources for this?