Am trying to format a ‘place’ sensor nicely, and which I can put some basic info into an entities card, the ideal solution is actually in Lovelace already - when I click on it I get the popup card that shows Info/Settings/Related and sometimes History. It’s a similar card that pops up for most dashboard entities. Is it possible to access this card directly? what is it called?
When you click on what?
A screenshot might make sense.
dashboard with entity on it
entities card when clicked on - this is what I want as the default - i.e. a card like this instead of the entities one above. Don’t need the other tabs…
this card or something like it comes up when you click most cards in the Lovelace interface, so it’s in there somewhere…
You want the custom:more-info card.
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that’s mostly it, many thanks.
The only thing missing is the history bar…