đŸ”č Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

This is what I got with your code:

Is it what you expect?
If yes - may be you do not have card-mod installed.
If no - what is wrong?

It is working now, thanks.
The verification of the code helped me to look elsewhere.
It seemed there was issue with my hacs key for github.
Thanks for your help.

An example of using "card-mod" for "multiple-entity-row" to display a "last-changed" for items:

Described here

Same method may be used to display ANY text below items.
Even for icons:

      - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        entity: sun.sun
        show_state: false
          - entity: sun.sun
            icon: true
            name: false
          - entity: sun.sun
            icon: true
            name: false
          - entity: sun.sun
            icon: true
            name: false
          style: |
            .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(1) div::after  {
              color: var(--secondary-text-color);
              font-size: 0.7rem;
              content: "\A label";
              white-space: pre;
            .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(2) div::after  {
              color: var(--secondary-text-color);
              font-size: 0.7rem;
              content: "\A {{states('sun.sun')}}";
              white-space: pre;
            .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(3) div::after  {
              color: var(--secondary-text-color);
              font-size: 0.7rem;
              content: "\A {{state_attr('sun.sun','elevation')}}";
              white-space: pre;

People, I really need a help with this:

Can anyone help me?

I think it’s all browser related on the PC you are viewing it on and doesn’t impact HA apart from querying HA for the data for that view

1 Like

Meanwhile trying to create sticky cards (credits to @ASNNetworks).

Tested in 2024.7.1:

Untitled Project_st

title: sticky
path: sticky

  - type: custom:mod-card
        hui-vertical-stack-card $: |
          div#root > :first-child,
          div#root > :last-child {
            z-index: 999;
            position: sticky;
            position: -webkit-sticky;
          div#root > :first-child {
            top: var(--header-height);
          div#root > :last-child {
            bottom: 0;
      type: vertical-stack
        - &ref_glance_4
          type: glance
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun

        - &ref_glance
          type: glance
            - entity: sun.sun
        - *ref_glance
        - *ref_glance

        - type: entities
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun
            - entity: sun.sun

        - *ref_glance_4
before 2024.7

Here two sticky cards - top & bottom:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: glance
      style: |
        :host {
          z-index: 999;
          position: sticky;
          position: -webkit-sticky;
          top: var(--header-height);
        ha-card {
          border-style: solid;
          border-radius: 15px;        
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
  - type: glance
      - entity: sun.sun
  - type: glance
      - entity: sun.sun
  - type: glance
      - entity: sun.sun
  - type: entities
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
  - type: glance
      style: |
        :host {
          z-index: 999;
          position: sticky;
          position: -webkit-sticky;
          bottom: 0;
        ha-card {
          border-style: solid;
          border-radius: 15px;        
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun

Note that "ha-card" styles used for the sticky card itself (borders, background etc), ":host" styles used for the subcontainer inside the main container to make it sticky (sorry if this is not true-CSS-language).
To repeat the same test - copy this code and paste it into the only card into some view.

For the top card I have to set:

        top: var(--header-height);

Works on desktop (Chrome, Win10x64, 1920x1200) and on iPhone 5S as well.


I use card mod for change color of my icons depending it state , but I have an issue.

When I toggle state with Chrome on my PC no problem, When I do it on Safari on my mac or Safari on my iphone the color don’t change until I refresh.
this is the result ( Mac, iPhone safari and HA companion for macOS):

Check here

Nice job, but I don’t see any problem with my code ?
Have you code to share me with my lights ?

This is not about lights, this is about entities.

Ok but how can you suggest me with that :

 - type: entities
              - entity: light.plafonnier
                      style: |
                        :host {
                          --card-mod-icon-color: {% if is_state('light.plafonnier', 'on') %} yellow {% else %} white {% endif %}
                name: Plafonnier
              - entity: light.lampe_buffet
                      style: |
                        :host {
                          --card-mod-icon-color: {% if is_state('light.lampe_buffet', 'on') %} yellow {% else %} white {% endif %}
                name: Buffet

I do not know what it is - "--card-mod-icon-color", tried to search it here , it is in your posts only.
What do you want to achieve? Is it not covered by that post?

I replied to you on facebook and you ignored me
 You need to use --paper-item-icon-color.

I want to make cooler icon responsive compared to a entity state
E.g: if lampe_buffet is on , I want Yellow if not I want white icon color

If I use —paper-item-icon-color , it doesn’t work with conditions

Yes, and it’s because you’re copying —paper-item-icon-color from facebook! Like I said on facebook.

Type it out instead of copy/paste.

It is explained, please read again:

I’ve made it like this :slight_smile:

  - entity: light.lampe_bureau 
                      style: |
                        :host {
                          --paper-item-icon-color: red
                          --paper-item-icon-active-color: green
                name: Lampe bureau

It’s Okay becaus I really don’t understand

Sorry @petro I don’t ignore you , I just forget

You need to terminate each line

add ; at the end.

Solutions like this may be used by a simple “copy/paste”. Otherwise the thread will be flooded by explaining the same things again & again. That was my intention - accumulate solutions in dedicated posts to avoid spam