šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Can someone help me? I feel too dumb for this. I try to set the font size to anything smaller (probably 8px) but I have no idea where to add it. Whatever I put in there: it does not change (the only changes that worked after trying was the font color and the background color, but never the font size)

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:button-card
    entity: input_boolean.mail
    size: 20%
    color: white
    show_state: false
      action: toggle
      - value: 'off'
        icon: mdi:mailbox-outline
        icon_height: 50px
        name: No Mail
        color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
      - value: 'on'
        icon: mdi:mailbox-open-up
        icon_height: 50px
        name: |
            var time_delivered = states["input_datetime.mail_time"].state;
            return 'Mail delivered ' + time_delivered 
  - type: custom:button-card
      action: toggle
    entity: cover.garage_msg100_main_channel
    name: Garage
    show_state: true
    size: 20%
      - color: null
        icon: mdi:garage
        value: closed
      - color: red
        icon: mdi:garage-open
        value: open

I wonder if you really want to use card_mod for this and propose to ask this in a custom:button-card topic instead.

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Thanks that really helped me. No idea I could use font size in custom button card. Sorry Iā€™m an absolout Beginner learning my way through this with forum discussions and YouTube tutorials

The most important step is not forum or YouTube but the README of the card. Always check the github source for full documentation FIRST. That way you know what all options might be, so youā€™ll understand the usage better/faster. Usually they also provide code examples.

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I try to always do that. My issue is 99% of the time that the Readme is made for people who Absolutely know about HA and/or coding and Iā€™m new to both and at times simply donā€™t know where to f. E. Put the font size in the code eventually (Iā€™m a quick learner tho but still not easy at all). Thanks anyways for the hint

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Hi All,
I am having a bit of an issue with the mod-card. I want to place a grid (grid card or custom:grid layout) inside the mod-card so I can style the background. I can get that part working, but if I try to place any cards in the grid they do not show up. Here is a snapshot of the code.

 - type: custom:mod-card
          type: custom:grid-layout
            grid-template-areas: |
              ". sky sky city currtemp currtemp ."
            grid-template-columns: 0 repeat(5, 1fr) 0
            grid-template-rows: 1.75fr .25fr 1fr 1fr repeat (5,.5fr) 2.5fr 1fr
            grid-gap: .5vw
          - type: custom:button-card
                grid-area: sky
              show_state: false
              show_entity_picture: true;
                action: none
              entity: sensor.rndrck_current_sky
            - type: markdown
                grid-area: city
              content: "Round Rock"
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(158,196,233,1) 0%, rgba(43,105,144,1) 100%) !important;

It shows up like this:


Any ideas about what I am missing?

Make no apologies. Everyone starts somewhere. We have all been new at this. I would still consider myself new. The most important thing is to keep learning and trying.

There is something strage here. Look at the first picture:

The mailbox looks fine, but after refreshing the page, I get this:

Awesome, thank you so much! :ok_hand:

I only noted the problem in Entities card, did not check other cards.

Found some time to check the new card-mod version.
Default HA theme.
Here is a simple case:

Card 1:

type: entities
    .card-content hui-text-entity-row:
          $: |
            .info {
              color: red;
entities: &ref_entities
  - sun.sun
  - sun.sun
  - sun.sun


Code Inspector:

Where I expect to see ā€œcard-modā€ sections:
in each div section:

  • on hui-text-entity-row level;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Where ā€œcard-modā€ sections are created:

  1. on type-entities level (??? why ???);
  2. for each div section:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level - twice (??? why twice ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Card 2:

type: entities
    .card-content hui-text-entity-row $:
        $: |
          .info {
            color: red;
entities: *ref_entities


Code Inspector:

Where I expect to see ā€œcard-modā€ sections:
in the 1st div section:

  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Where ā€œcard-modā€ sections are created:

  1. on type-entities level (??? why ???);
  2. for the 1st div section:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level - twice (??? why twice ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.
  1. for the 2nd & 3rd div sections:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level - NOT PRESENT.

Card 3:

type: entities
    .card-content hui-text-entity-row $ hui-generic-entity-row:
      $: |
        .info {
          color: red;
entities: *ref_entities


Code Inspector:

Where I expect to see ā€œcard-modā€ sections:
in the 1st div section:

  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Where ā€œcard-modā€ sections are created:

  1. on type-entities level (??? why ???);
  2. for the 1st div section:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.
  1. for the 2nd & 3rd div sections:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level - NOT PRESENT.

Card 4:

type: entities
    .card-content hui-text-entity-row $ hui-generic-entity-row $: |
      .info {
        color: red;
entities: *ref_entities


Code Inspector:

Where I expect to see ā€œcard-modā€ sections:
in the 1st div section:

  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Where ā€œcard-modā€ sections are created:

  1. on type-entities level (??? why ???);
  2. for the 1st div section:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.
  1. for the 2nd & 3rd div sections:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level - NOT PRESENT.

Card 5:

type: entities
    .card-content hui-text-entity-row:
      $ hui-generic-entity-row $: |
        .info {
          color: red;
entities: *ref_entities


Code Inspector:

Where I expect to see ā€œcard-modā€ sections:
in each div section:

  • on hui-text-entity-row level.
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Where ā€œcard-modā€ sections are created:

  1. on type-entities level (??? why ???);
  2. for each div section:
  • on hui-text-entity-row level;
  • on hui-text-entity-row $ level (??? why ???);
  • on hui-generic-entity-row level - NOT PRESENT;
  • on hui-generic-entity-row $ level.

Yes, in practice I see some difference between Code Inspector and this.
Probably I misunderstood something.

1 Like

Thereā€™s a Alarmo card that allows button sizing from the ui (slider bar) for adjustment.

Hey =)
can someone help me to change an icon?

so I have a ā€œcustom:button-cardā€,
it shows me an LED afterwards.

in there is a ā€œcustom_fieldā€ with another ā€œcustom:button-cardā€.
this shows my motion sensor.

if the status now changes to ā€œonā€, i would like the icon to change as well.
in my code, however, only the icon changes when I switch the ā€œswitch.tp_link_01ā€ on/off

the only thing that ā€œworksā€ is ā€œchange_colorā€. The binary_sensor does that correctly.
But as I said: changing the icon doesnā€™t work

type: custom:button-card
entity: switch.tp_link_01
name: Garage
icon: >-
  [[[ if (entity.state == "off") return "mdi:garage"; else return
  "mdi:lightbulb" ]]]
show_state: true
size: 100%
    - border-radius: 10%
    - grid-template-areas: '"l i i i temp" "l i i i s" "l i i i s" "n n n n n"'
    - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
    - grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
      - align-self: start
      - justify-self: end
      - padding-right: px
      entity: binary_sensor.presence_12
      icon: >-
        [[[ if (entity.state == "off") return "mdi:car"; else return
        "mdi:security" ]]]
      layout: vertical
      name: []
        - value: 'on'
              - color: green
              - filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1.0rem rgb(243,156,15))
              - border: 0px
              - color: rgb(255,0,0)
        - value: 'off'
              - color: red
              - color: rgb(80,80,80)
              - color: green
              - icon: mdi:security
      type: custom:button-card
  action: more-info
  - value: 'on'
        - color: green
        - filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1.0rem rgb(243,156,15))
        - border: 0px
  - value: 'off'
        - color: red
        - color: rgb(80,80,80)
        - color: rgb(80,80,80)

using my generic header card_mod works fine in all instances, but oneā€¦

the situation I use a header-toggle.

since my code for the header is:

card_mod: &header
  style: |
    .card-header {
      background-color: var(--background-color-off);
      color: var(--text-color-off);
      padding-top: 0px;
      padding-bottom: 0px;
      margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px;

and the background-color-off is using primary color, I have a conflict with the header-toggle which uses the same color, and even with the background of the toggle which is also invisible.

Can we mod the settings for the header-toggle independently from any other toggle in the card?

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I have now solved it as follows:

      entity: binary_sensor.presence_12
      layout: vertical
      name: []
        - value: 'on'
          icon: mdi:car
          icon_height: 50px
          name: No Mail
          color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
        - value: 'off'
          icon: mdi:mailbox-open-up
          icon_height: 50px

Thanks for the investigations. Very interesting. I double-checked all them and saw the same behavior.

Card 1.

Same behavior and I expected the same as you to see.

Donā€™t understand either. The first is empty, the second has the references. Double-Check with $0._input_styles and $0._styleChildren.

Card 2.

Same behavior and I expected the same as you to see.

see above.

This seems to be the first one from above. The empty one.

Card 3.

Same as 2. Expected the same and

in every div are the ā€œempty onesā€.

Card 4.

Dito, but then I saw another ā€œemptyā€ one coming and going on. Had this in other places in the examples above already, but thought I only missed to look correctly.


  • hui-generic-entity-row` level. Sometimes it was there, sometimes not. Confused.

So in general the syntax was, what I expected and same as your expectations. I Onle wonder how to address e,g, the sevond div already from there.

And now Card 5.

O.k. Now I get what is should or could be behind the leading $. Thanks for this hint.

Same as above. Iā€™m not sure if it should be there and it is again empty.

Perhaps there is a glitch or hick up with such entries and the root cause for the ones and duplicates in card 1-4 as well. Perhaps Thomas can check or explain?

Use nth-child(2) - if I understood you correctly.

not sure if this is for button-card or here, but since I am trying to card_mod, thought it best to post here.
Goal: scroll a set of button-cards, which are 4 in a row, full width of a card.

Ive almost got it as I want, with one annoying exception.: there scrollbar is positioned outside of the card, and showing underneath the card next to it:

first look:

scroll a bit:

maybe a bit difficult to spot, the scroll bar hiding:

Schermafbeelding 2022-02-14 om 16.07.42

1 column makes it clearer:

I tried mod-card, but couldnā€™t get it to work and this seems to be closest to what I want:

type: vertical-stack

  - type: custom:button-card
    template: button_default_title
        - color: var(--text-color-off)
        - background-color: var(--background-color-off)
      - operator: template
        value: >
          [[[ return states['binary_sensor.motion_sensors_all'].state === 'on'; ]]]
        name: >
          [[[ var id = states['sensor.last_motion'].state;
              return 'Motion detected: ' + id; ]]]
            - color: red
            - background-color: var(--background-color-on)
      - operator: template
        value: >
          [[[ return states['binary_sensor.motion_sensors_active'].state === 'on'; ]]]
        name: Motion sensors active
            - color: darkgreen
      - operator: template
        value: >
          [[[ return states['binary_sensor.motion_sensors_active'].state === 'off'; ]]]
        name: Motion detection Off

  - type: entities
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background: transparent;
          box-shadow: none;
        .card-content {
          max-height: 400px;
          overflow-y: scroll;
          margin: -8px -16px -8px -16px;

      - type: custom:hui-element
        card_type: grid

        columns: 4

          - type: custom:button-card
            template: button_motion
            name: Laundry
            entity: binary_sensor.laundry_sensor_motion
            triggers_update: switch.laundry_sensor_motion

I can set the scroll section to:

        .card-content {
          max-height: 400px;
          overflow-y: scroll;
          margin: -8px 0px -8px -16px;

but then the button-cards move inwards, which I dont want either.

Can we not move the scrollbar itself, and have it show over the buttons?

Not sure if I understood or you didnā€™t my question.

My question was Card 2-4 in notation as there, but make the second sun red, because it is the second hui-text-entity-row with nested hui-generic-entity-row.

Yes, I can define on entity level, but here I was wondering to get there from parent as well.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I want to place several cards (custom button, etc) on a grid layout of some sort, and then style the background of that layout and make the child cardsā€™ background transparent. Quite easy to do in straight html and css, but seems impossible here.

I have tried several ways but alasā€¦