🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

You could try putting your button cards inside a custom stack-in-card

In combination with card-mod it should allow you to control the background of both the card itself, and the child cards.

Can you show your attempts, so that we can try to improve them?

check my post directly above yours…🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card - #2781 by Mariusthvdb

and leave out the scroll part if you dint need that.

How do I round to i.e 3 decimals in this entity.

O.k. got it. Must have been blind to not see that it is possible to combine with css stye notations.

    .card-content div:nth-child(2) hui-text-entity-row:
          $: |
            .info {
              color: red;


1 Like

Certainly, and thank you for responding. One attempt was posted here: 🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card - #2769 by msymms

Marius, thank you. I will try this approach. This is what I am doing.

This is one big custom:button-card. It works okay, but not exactly how I want it. I would like clickable areas within this panel.

I’m pretty sure, that in this example some things are not working (without card_mod) or I didn’t get the approach. Or you did some copy&paste&remove.

Perhaps this could be a starting point:

type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
      background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(158,196,233,1) 0%, rgba(43,105,144,1) 100%) !important;
  type: custom:layout-card
  layout_type: grid
    grid-template-areas: |
         "sky city"
     - type: markdown
         grid-area: sky
       content: "Round Rock"
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background: transparent;
            box-shadow: initial
     - type: markdown
         grid-area: city
       content: "Round Rock"
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background: transparent;
            box-shadow: initial


Wow. yes, thanks. Let me try that.

tbh, this is a bit of a mixed card… why dont you use one of the weather cards? you can set a background there too:

Marius, I like this, especially the background. I did look at the weather cards. I am trying to put together a kiosk “view/panel” that would have 6 of these cards in one view; showing weather from cities with family. The problem is all that information is tough to get on one screen. So, I wanted to hide some, making it available through a more-info dialogue (especially with the weather alerts - a link to the entire alert is my goal there). Then there is the mobile phone display to deal with later on. I will keep posting my progress. You and @arganto have given me some hope. Thanks so much. I am sure I will be back.

I see. And sure, please come back, we’re here to help !

Use template sensor


type: custom:stack-in-card
  background: false
  box_shadow: false
  margin: true
  outer_padding: false
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun
      - sun.sun
  - type: custom:mod-card
      type: grid
      columns: 4
        - &ref_button
          type: custom:button-card
          aspect_ratio: '1:1'
          name: Laundry
          entity: binary_sensor.service_on_value
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        - *ref_button
        hui-grid-card $: |
          div#root {
            overflow-y: scroll !important;
            padding-right: 8px;
            padding-bottom: 1px;
            max-height: calc(3*101px + 2*8px) !important;
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun
      - sun.sun

I’m trying to achieve the same as you, I have copied your code and moved the hui-horizontal-stack-card (and the #root block) one indent to the left (so it lines up with the .: |), but I’m getting an error currently.Untitled

Am I missing something, or is this fixed / bugged in a later version of the card (since your message is over a year old at this point)? Have you still got it working with version 3.1.2?

Never mind! Finally figured it out after a couple of hours of trying…

      hui-horizontal-stack-card$: |
        #root {
          justify-content: space-between;
  1. A code should be always placed formatted:
type or paste code here
  1. Probably you should use “|round(0)” - otherwise you get 3 digits after period.

  2. This issue should not be discussed here - creating template sensors is an off-topic in this thread.
    Please create a separate thread in this section in case the problem is not solved yet.

hi Ildar, thanks!
in my experiments, I forgot the hui-grid-card $: | and immediately ran the mod on div#root…

still, Ive solved that bit by using the extra entities card, with the grid card as single entity, so I can mod the entities card as I did above. No need for the mod-card because of that.

however, in both our solutions, the right side scroll bar is taking space of the buttons, which are pushed to the left, while I would love them to stay as before, and take up the full width of the card, and have the scroll bar being displayed over that right side buttons

so, still looking for that.

found it!!

  - type: entities
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background: transparent;
          box-shadow: none;
        .card-content {
          max-height: 400px;
          overflow-y: scroll;
          margin: -8px 0px -8px -16px;
          padding-right: 0px;

thanks to your suggestion above, which made me remember… and test, moving the buttons from the default 16px to the right by 8px. I only had to set padding to 0px and there we are!

no scrollbar when steady:

scrolling beautifully:

and all buttons using the full width!

I do not know what you want to achieve but I must admit that:

  1. Posting a code as a picture is not helping to solve the problem - people will not be able to “copy/paste” the code to reproduce the issue.

  2. You got this style:

  .: |
    ha-card {
      element_b {

which is WRONG.
At least it should be (i.e. MAY work if elements & CSS properties are specified properly):

    $: |
      element_b {
  .: |
    ha-card {

I am not a CSS expert at all but I think that scrollbar always occupies some horizontal space…

see above, it is done :wink:
gave it an extra padding-top: 8px; to make the buttons start a bit closer to the header, as they did before scrolling. perfect. and straightforward.