šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Thx, but thatā€™s what I already know :wink:
But if I change the ā€žflexā€œ condition in the root of the conditional cards in the developer tools of a browser it works as intended.
All Buttons on the left and no gap between them.
So I thought it would be something that I can achieve via card mod.

Look here for further explanation:

ok, yes i guess the ā€œbutton-cardā€ match the size of your Icon

What do you mean ā€œin developer tools of a browserā€ ? , work in developer tools, but not when applied to ā€œViewā€ ? or

lol, i donā€™t have these concerns, i want my ā€œCenteredā€

but as you like "empty row, 1,2,3 or more (entities) depending on State, maybe you are looking for auto-entities-card (horizontal add)

I would like to use card-mod-card: to apply styles to any of my cards.
But I canā€™t figure it out where to place that style code.

I tried this (top level of the dashboard - doesnā€™t work):

title: Dashboard
card-mod-card: |
  ha-card .card-header {
    font-size: 1.2em;
    font-weight: var(--mcg-title-font-weight, 500);
    max-height: 1.4em;
    min-height: 1.4em;
    opacity: 0.65;
    padding: 0px 16px 16px;

And this (inside one view - doesnā€™t work, too):

title: Dashboard
  - icon: mdi:home-battery
    card-mod-card: |
      ha-card .card-header {
        font-size: 1.2em;
        font-weight: var(--mcg-title-font-weight, 500);
        max-height: 1.4em;
        min-height: 1.4em;
        opacity: 0.65;
        padding: 0px 16px 16px;

What I am doing wrong?

EDIT: Same style code in a single card with style: works.

You canā€™t use card-mod like that. You have to apply it directly to cards. Anchors could help reduce the duplication. But, I think this is more towards themes.

If youā€™d like to make global changes, there is a way to set theme overrides: https://gist.github.com/thomasloven/2a37152725c582fec4420ecedb65ebe3.

Also see:

modding the somewhat unique styled custom:browser-player,

I made this:

  - type: custom:browser-player
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 48px;
        .card-content {
          padding-top: 0px;
          padding-bottom: 0px;
        .device-id {
          padding-left: 20px;
          position: absolute;
          left: 0%;
          bottom: 0%;

appear like

and gives it the same size as my headers and menu bars.

I couldnā€™t move the device-id with other styling elements though, so maybe anyone here could have a look at the options?

think I will try to get the player tools (icon slider icon) to use more width of the card too, but I cant manage, even with:

        .card-content {
          padding-top: 0px;
          padding-bottom: 0px;
          justify-content: space-between;
          margin: 0px -16px;

which shows a double card-content in inspector:

and clears the justify-content by itselfā€¦

Changing the top .card-content to space-between,

results in

which is more like it. However, how to get these 2 to work together in real life Lovelaceā€¦

I donā€™t have ā€œmedia_playerā€ and couldnā€™t find such ā€œcustom: browser_playerā€ in hacs,(so i donā€™'t know whether itā€™s actually just 1 row, or 3 column.)

ā€¦ but maybe you could try something like this:

        ha-slider {
          max-width: none;
          min-width: 100px;
          width: 100%;

and maybe ā€œapplyā€

          flex-shrink: 100;

to the other 2 objects

thx, ill have a look. fyi, this card is provided by the browser-mod CC. If you have that, and have it make a media_player, you can use it like above.

ok, thx , i did looked at browser-mod and mini-player , as i only need a ā€œsimpleā€ player for ā€œstreaming-channelsā€ , but your top-menu gave me more ideas :slight_smile: for automationā€™s, i.e wakeup, cast

Thanks for clarification.
So card-mod-{thing} is only for theming?
And this class-thing mentioned here, too?

Iā€™ll try with anchors.

I had these .card-header {} mods in all of my cards, in 2 versions (with and without bottom margin) so the caused some serious repetition. Top card got the &header anchor, and all cards below that re-used it via *header. Very easy.

  - type: entities
    title: First card
    card_mod: &header_no_margin
      style: |
        .card-header {
          background-color: var(--background-color-off);
          color: var(--text-color-off);
          padding-top: 0px;
          padding-bottom: 0px;
          /* margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px; */

  - type: entities
    title: Next card
    card_mod: *header_no_margin

However, I recently switched to creating a class in my card-mod-themes and now only set a class on the cards (and repeat those with anchors, which saves yet another line :wink:

have a look here for the class creation : https://gist.github.com/Mariusthvdb/9069c8c4dcad6324035a679244bbfdf1#file-themes_card_mod-yaml-L64

use them in the views:

type: entities
title: Audio settings
  class: class-header-margin

Hey everyone! Reaching out for some help here styling a card.
Iā€™ve worked with card-mod before but struggling with styling the Mushroom Person card - if anyone is familiar with the Mushroom project.

My goal is to change the width/height of the div.container holding the entity picture.


Ive tried using Card-mod-helper. Below is the JS path to the div.container.

document.querySelector("body > home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.querySelector("app-drawer-layout > partial-panel-resolver > ha-panel-lovelace").shadowRoot.querySelector("hui-root").shadowRoot.querySelector("#view > hui-view > vertical-layout").shadowRoot.querySelector("#columns > div > hui-horizontal-stack-card:nth-child(3)").shadowRoot.querySelector("#root > mushroom-person-card:nth-child(1)").shadowRoot.querySelector("mushroom-card > div > mushroom-state-item > mushroom-shape-avatar").shadowRoot.querySelector("div")

Any ideas? My goal is to change the container width/height to 75px - instead of 42px.


Are you referring to this?

If so, I havenā€™t used that feature, so I wonā€™t be able to help with that, sorry. Just looking at the docs, there is a strong emphasis on where those themed definitions should be added, and that is not under a dashboard view.


Check this decluttering template as an example:

      - VALUE_WIDTH_1: 50%
      - OBJ_KEEP:
          background: false
          box_shadow: false
          margin: false
          outer_padding: false
          border_radius: false
      type: custom:stack-in-card
      keep: '[[OBJ_KEEP]]'
      mode: horizontal
      cards: '[[CARDS]]'
          hui-horizontal-stack-card $: |
            div#root > :first-child {
              width: [[VALUE_WIDTH_1]];
              flex: auto; 
            div#root > :last-child {
              width: calc(100% - [[VALUE_WIDTH_1]]);
              flex: auto; 
          .: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: none;
              {% if [[VALUE_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE]] == true %}
              overflow: visible !important;
              {% endif %}

Using the template:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: decl_horizontal_stack
      - CARDS: &ref_cards
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_temperature
                name: Indoor
          - type: custom:bar-card
              - entity: input_number.test_level_1
              icon: 'off'
              name: 'off'
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: decl_horizontal_stack
      - CARDS: *ref_cards
      - VALUE_WIDTH_1: 60%
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: decl_horizontal_stack
      - CARDS: *ref_cards
      - VALUE_WIDTH_1: 70%
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: decl_horizontal_stack
      - CARDS:
          - type: entities
              - entity: sun.sun
              - entity: sun.sun
              - entity: sun.sun
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_co2
                name: CO2
            height: 250
              state: true
              name: true
              icon: false
              labels: false
              points: false
      - VALUE_WIDTH_1: 65%
      - OBJ_KEEP:
          background: false
          box_shadow: true
          margin: false
          outer_padding: false
          border_radius: false
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: decl_horizontal_stack
          - CARDS:
              - type: custom:hui-element
                row_type: sensor-entity
                entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_temperature
                name: Indoor
              - type: custom:slider-entity-row
                entity: input_number.test_number
                full_row: true
          - VALUE_WIDTH_1: 40%
      - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_co2

Surely the template does not cover all possible needs. At least it gives you an example of customizing a width.

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In another card i used, i didnā€™t wanted a name, and with name: false i got the entity-name instead(how funny is that) ā€¦ i went to Configuration/entities, gave the entity a (.) dot :slight_smile: ā€¦ as name, i know i doesnā€™t move/remove it , but now itā€™s only a tiny dot, i hardly see with my old eyes and dirty glasses :slight_smile:
ā€¦ ahhh i just got another idea ā€¦ write whatever i want, style the text same color as background :laughing:

yes, thats a known trick :wink:

however, I dont want to Remove the id, I want to move itā€¦ but its fairly ok now. Its more that Id like to be in control, and this still leaves me wantingā€¦

I wonder how many Themes(and card design) the new 2022.3 fā€¦ up, question is will card-mod, card-mod-themes eventually (soon) become ā€œobsoleteā€ as-well ā€¦ luckily i only have 2 Themes, 1 for View and 1 for Cards both with ā€œinspirationā€ from when i started with Card-mod ā€¦ i know i could have started ā€œconvertingā€ paper-elements, but ā€¦ now ā€œupdatesā€ to various cards start to ā€œdrop-inā€ ā€¦ is it best to wait, to see how these ā€œfalls outā€ ? ā€¦ Thomasloven is first out with layout and auto-entities

Donā€™t hope so. But the rebuilding of card-mod has been there in most of the releases in the past already. So we are used to do it. :wink:

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ok, yes im ā€œnewā€ here, so still alot of my designing is in ā€œexperimentalā€ state, but i started to get a grip of it, so the ā€œpaper-elementsā€ ( in Theme controlling various colors, with reference to few ā€œstandardā€ colors, now inside card clicking ā€œshowing code editorā€ i got white background/white txt :slight_smile: ā€¦ in regards to ā€œrebuildingā€ of cards, they seems to ā€œusuallyā€ include nice enhancements and new features.

PS: was first thinking wtf happend here, did they moved the ā€œinputsā€ ? :slight_smile: