šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Starting point:
1st post ā†’ link at the bottom ā†’ Heading

i know your fantastic overview and checked this out but i couldnĀ“t find a answer to my question. I want a background of a badge in the heading title.

that is why a said it is a starting pointā€¦ Find a post about Heading.

Map card - some animations


type: map
  - entity: ...
    ha-map $:
      ha-entity-marker $: |
        .marker {
          outline-style: solid;
          outline-width: 1px;
          outline-color: var(--accent-color);
          animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
        @keyframes resizing_outline {
          0% {
            outline-offset: 0;
          25% {
            outline-offset: 5px;
          50% {
            outline-offset: 10px;
          75% {
            outline-offset: 15px;
          100% {
            outline-offset: 20px;


type: map
  - entity: ...
    ha-map $:
      ha-icon $: |
        ha-svg-icon {
          animation: resizing 1s linear infinite;
        @keyframes resizing {
          0% {
            transform: scale(0.3,0.3);
          25% {
            transform: scale(0.7,0.7);
          50% {
            transform: scale(1,1);
          75% {
            transform: scale(1.15,1.15);
          100% {
            transform: scale(1.3,1.3);

that is working for me:

        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(4) hui-entity-heading-badge $: |
          ha-state-icon {
            --mdc-icon-size: 20px;
            color: white;
            background: #1c1c1c !important;
            border-radius: 25px;
            padding: 10px;

nice animations yes! always fun to customize the map.

letā€™s not use a target-lockā€¦

btw, the shorthand for the outline also works:

  - type: map
        ha-map $:
          ha-entity-marker $: |
            .marker {
              outline: solid 1px var(--warning-color);
              animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
            @keyframes resizing_outline {
              0% {outline-offset: 0;}
              25% {outline-offset: 5px;}
              50% {outline-offset: 10px;}
              75% {outline-offset: 15px;}
              100% {outline-offset: 20px;}

letā€™s see if we can add this to card-mod theming

Correct, and shorthand can include an offset too, just wanted to make it more ā€œaccessibleā€ for people))

This ā€œchanging radiusā€ animation can be useful to highlight some event; so the animation should be switched ON if some conditions are met - try to put a corr. logic in a theme.

yes, like

{% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
{%- elif activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}

actually a great idea

would be something like

  - type: map
        ha-map $:
          ha-entity-marker $: |
            .marker {
              {% set id = config.entity.entity_id.split('.')[1] %}
              {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
              outline: solid 1px var(--warning-color);
              {% if activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}
              animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
              {% endif %}

not sure if the config.entity is picked up correctly though. it works if I add it for a person directly

cannot use this var
It will work if

type: map
entity: ... #fictitious option for themeing only

and if you have several in ā€œentitiesā€ - the style must be applied to a particular marker (which is = ā€œentityā€)

yep, thx. will add some anchors then. but the mod needs to change in that case to the actual entity and not the map card

or, try the other style:

  - type: map
        ha-map$: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
          {% set id = config.entity.entity_id.split('.')[1] %}
          {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
            {% if activity not in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}
              div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
                animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

but need to pop in the .marker element there
hmm, not that obvious I am afraid
either in the individual entity under the entities:, or in the for loop on the map entitiesā€¦

Since you introduced this method of styling the entity in config.entities, could you please help me out going a bit deep to the .marker and set the outline, as Ildar explained above? I can not find the right syntax to go deeper in that ha-entity-marker $: |

setting it globally to the map card works , the challenge lies in applying it to either a single entity, or the for loop. Both need a different path

please have a look if you can find some moment

type: map
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_home_boy
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_anne_therese
theme_mode: auto
    ha-map $:
      ha-entity-marker[entity-id="device_tracker.demo_home_boy"] $: |
        .marker {
          outline: solid 4px red;
          border-color: transparent !important;
      ha-entity-marker[entity-id="device_tracker.demo_anne_therese"] $: |
        .marker {
          outline: solid 4px green;
          border-color: transparent !important;

edit: I tried to use loop in the editor, it probably wonā€™t work :zipper_mouth_face: In a regular template it doesā€¦

    ha-map$: |
      {% set entities = [
        {'entity_id': 'device_tracker.demo_home_boy', 'color': 'red'},
        {'entity_id': 'device_tracker.demo_anne_therese', 'color': 'green'}
      ] %}
      {% for entity in entities %}
        ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity.entity_id }}"] $: |
          .marker {
            outline: solid 4px {{ entity.color }};
            border-color: transparent !important;
      {% endfor %}

did you also test the div:has in the loop, which made the magic happen before?

should be something like:

  - type: map
        ha-map$: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
            div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"] $: |
              .marker) { outline: solid 4px red; }
          {% endfor %}

but no, this does not work eitherā€¦ the path breaks I suppose, and moving the closing ) doesnt help

with this code in card mod style it is correctly assignedā€¦ strange.

type: map
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_home_boy
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_anne_therese
theme_mode: auto
    ha-map$: |
      {% set color_mapping = {
        "device_tracker.demo_home_boy": "red",
        "device_tracker.demo_anne_therese": "green"
      } %}
      {% set entities = config.entities | map(attribute='entity') | list %}
      {% for entity in entities %}
      {% set color = color_mapping[entity] %}
      ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"] $: |
        .marker {
          outline: solid 4px {{ color }};
          border-color: transparent !important;
      {% endfor %}

figured it would be only for the auto entities, but it isnt, because this does also work straight away:

  - type: map
        ha-map $: |
          {% set entities = config.entities | map(attribute='entity') | list %}
          {% for entity in entities %}
            {% if not is_state(entity,'home') %}
             div:has(>  ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
                filter: brightness(1.75);
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

so the challenge is to get to the next .marker in the Dom pathā€¦

this also works btw:

  - type: map
        ha-map $: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
            {% if is_state(entity,'home') %}
              div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
                filter: brightness(1.75);
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

but then we can NOT set the entities as objects, and need to do

  - person.1
  - person.2

hahaha, try this:

  - type: map
        ha-map $: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
            {% if is_state(entity,'home') %}
              div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
                filter: brightness(1.75);
                outline: solid 4px red !important;
                animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
          @keyframes resizing_outline {
            0% {outline-offset: 0;}
            25% {outline-offset: 5px;}
            50% {outline-offset: 10px;}
            75% {outline-offset: 15px;}
            100% {outline-offset: 20px;}

different effect. :wink:

getting closer with the activity:

  - type: map
        ha-map $: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
            {% set id = entity.split('.')[1] %}
            {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
            {% if activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}
              div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
                filter: brightness(1.75);
                outline: solid 2px var(--warning-color);
                animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
          @keyframes resizing_outline {
            0% {outline-offset: 0;}
            25% {outline-offset: 5px;}
            50% {outline-offset: 10px;}
            75% {outline-offset: 15px;}
            100% {outline-offset: 20px;}

(condition now is targeted correctly to the entity. Element still the wrong one of course)

for now Iā€™ll settle for this

  - type: map
        ha-map $: |
          {% for entity in config.entities %}
            {% set id = entity.split('.')[1] %}
            {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
            {% if activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}
              div:has(> ha-entity-marker[entity-id="{{entity}}"] ) {
                outline: solid 2px var(--warning-color);
                border-radius: 50px;
                animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
          @keyframes resizing_outline {
            0% {outline-offset: 0;}
            25% {outline-offset: 5px;}
            50% {outline-offset: 10px;}
            75% {outline-offset: 15px;}
            100% {outline-offset: 20px;}

the added border-radius makes it practically identicalā€¦ hurrayā€¦

(cant stand not being able to find the correct syntax to target the .marker though, and not being able to set it on an individual entity in the entities list)


I really read tons of posts, but I still donā€™t get it.

I just want the title (ā€œPiano terra - Luciā€) be 10px.
I tried:

and I tried:

and many other permutations, without luck.

What am I missing?

Thank you


stack cards dont have the ha-card element, and require the use of custom:mod-card

so use:

type: custom:mod-card
  type: vertical-stack

you can modify the marker for individual entities like this, but it canā€™t be used in Jinja loop. the problem is in the ā€˜$: |ā€™ cardmod inserts into the style as a string

type: map
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_home_boy
  - entity: device_tracker.demo_anne_therese
theme_mode: auto
    ha-map $:
      ha-entity-marker[entity-id="device_tracker.demo_home_boy"] $: |
        .marker {
          outline: solid 4px red;
          border-color: transparent !important;
      ha-entity-marker[entity-id="device_tracker.demo_anne_therese"] $: |
        .marker {
          outline: solid 4px green;
          border-color: transparent !important;

Yeah, but that is not on the individual entity and like that we need to have all that code repeat.

Iā€™d like to set it once on the top entity using config.entity and be able to paste it with an anchor.

There is an important rule in card-mod. Taken from the documentation:

In order to style elements inside a shadow-root, you will need to make your style: a dictionary rather than a string.

So, the previous code that I gave you will not allow you to go deeper to target the .marker element because the code is already a string. You would need to follow another approach. One solution is to make ha-entity-marker a dictionary and target their attributes using the :host pseudo-class. Something like this:

      ha-entity-marker$: |
        {% set entities = config.entities | map(attribute='entity') | list %}
        {% for entity in entities %}
          {% if is_state(entity, 'not_home') %}
            :host([entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) {
              filter: grayscale(1) brightness(1.75);
            :host([entity-id="{{ entity }}"]) .marker {
              outline: solid 1px red;
              animation: resizing_outline 1s linear infinite;
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        @keyframes resizing_outline {
          0% {outline-offset: 0;}
          25% {outline-offset: 5px;}
          50% {outline-offset: 10px;}
          75% {outline-offset: 15px;}
          100% {outline-offset: 20px;}