šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Iā€™ll try to find a card that isnā€™t dynamic and see if that has any effect. So far Iā€™ve tried the default weather card, custom expander card, and default thermostat card and have the same issue in that first card slot. Iā€™ll try some other cards and see if I can find one that doesnā€™t lose its styling. Thanks for the help. I would assume that most cards are going to be dynamic (or have some kind of scaling) when using the HA companion app?

No idea. Only a few stock cards (weather, markdown, ???) have dynamic classes added. Other cards have dynamic sizes (as expected) (and letā€™s not talk about sectionsā€¦).

Yes, you can. But donā€™t put the hex color between quotes (even if it works) because it is not the standard. Do it like this:

rgb(from #98878f r g b / 0)

Yes, you need to separate any color by spaces, that is because you can do this:

rgb(from #98878f r 25 50)

So, it will take the red from #98878f (0x98 = 152) and the blue and red as 25 and 50.

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Iā€™ve been playing around trying to customise some climate tiles for a wall display dashboard to primarily control a heat pump
Unfortunately I have been unable to locate examples to understand how to achieve what I want - any assistance with the following appreciated

See below photos - I was hoping to be able to customise inactive and active colours for the HVAC mode and fan speed buttons on the climate tile card
I was also hoping to replace the icons with text ā€œHeatā€ ā€œCoolā€ etc
Any help with how to reference the buttons and achieve the above would be appreciated

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I have been struggling with this for 2 days, and I need to know if it is even possible (so I can stop if it isnā€™t)ā€¦ I have really tried to avoid asking someone to think for me, but I have failedā€¦ Please help, I need to sleep!

I have a default sections dashboard with a couple of tabs (calendar and shopping list). Iā€™ve tried to show the code with as little as possible whilst showing enoughā€¦
I am successfully placing an image from my template in the background of the custom:week-planner-card (as shown with the first card_mod), but I want the image in the background behind that (and the other) cards, basically the background of the dashboardā€™s tab.
I have tried so many versions of the second card_mod shown below to get the image behind the card (in ha-sortable or hui-view or hui-view-container, I canā€™t get anything in the card_mod slot of those)ā€¦

  - title: Calendar
      - type: grid
        cards: ...
      - type: grid
          - type: custom:week-planner-card
            calendars: ...
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  background: url('{{ states('sensor.unsplash_random_image') }}') no-repeat center;
                  background-size: 100%;
      - type: grid
        cards: ...
      style: |
        ha-sortable: {
          background: url('{{ states('sensor.unsplash_random_image') }}') no-repeat center;
          background-size: 100%;
    cards: []
    type: sections
    badges: ...

I have also tried DOM navigation using things like the below:

ā€œbody home-assistant $ home-assistant-main $ ha-drawer partial-panel-resolver ha-panel-lovelace $ hui-root $ #view hui-view hui-sections-view $ ha-sortableā€:

But, I think I just donā€™t get itā€¦

Please, can someone tell me how to do this, or tell me it canā€™t be done. Either way, end my misery!


nice, and great explanation, something for Ildarā€™s cookbook overview I would think!

fwiw, my complete mod now, well, my complete type: map view even, is

title: Kaart
path: kaart
icon: mdi:map
type: panel
# https://community.home-assistant.io/t/card-mod-add-css-styles-to-any-lovelace-card/120744/7530
# https://community.home-assistant.io/t/card-mod-add-css-styles-to-any-lovelace-card/120744/7551
  - type: map
# can Not use entity as object because of the card_mod
    hours_to_show: 48
      - person.me
      - etc
        ha-map $:
          ha-entity-marker $: |
            {% for entity in config.entities %}
              {% set id = entity.split('.')[1] %}
              {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
              {% set afstand = states('sensor.thuis_' ~ id ~ '_distance')|int(-5) %}
              {% set thresholds =
                [(300,0.5),(200,1),(150,1.5),(100,2),(50,2.5),(30,3),(20,3.5),(10,4)] %}
              {% set pix =
                |map(attribute='1')|list|first|default(8) %}
              {% set t = ((1 / 150) * afstand + 1)|round(1) %}
              {% if activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] %}
                :host([entity-id='{{entity}}']) .marker {
                  outline: solid {{pix}}px var(--warning-color);
                  animation: resizing_outline calc( {{t}}s ) linear infinite;
                  border: var(--warning-color) {{pix}}px dashed;
              {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

            @keyframes resizing_outline {
              0% {outline-offset: 0;outline-color: rgb(from var(--warning-color) r g b / 1);}
              25% {outline-offset: 5px}
              50% {outline-offset: 10px}
              75% {outline-offset: 15px}
              100% {outline-offset: 20px;outline-color: rgb(from var(--alert-color) r g b / 0.1);border-color: transparent;}

and has been working perfectly with the latest adjustments

leaves me with just 1 challenge: how to mod this on a single entity in a Map config like:

type: map
  - entity: person.me
    name: Me in map
    focus: false
        ha-entity-marker $: | ??

its different because of the path, and because of the fact its now using an entity object (opposed to the entity in the posted config above)

I would like the text and the icon to turn red when the window is open and green when it is closed. Unfortunately, my code is not working. Could someone please help me?

type: heading
heading_style: subtitle
heading: "BĆ¼ro "
  - type: entity
    entity: binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2
    style: |
      :host {
       color: {{ states('binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2') == 'on' ? 'var(--error-color)' : 'var(--success-color)' }};
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.rauchmelder_buro_reinheit
icon: mdi:desk

1st post ā†’ link at the bottom titled ā€œfantasticā€ ā†’ Heading

i use

                                        box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) !important;
                                        background-color: rgb({{ states("input_text.kleur_iconen_bleker")}}) !important;

still struggling to read code, please make it look like this:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Hello, {{user}}
secondary: How are you?
icon: mdi:home
  style: |
    ha-card {        
      {% if is_state('sun.sun','above_horizon') %}  background: red;
      {% else %} background: green;
      {% endif %}

this works, so just replace with your template

Note you didnt use an ā€˜elseā€™ which makes the template doing noting in that case, probably your issue.

btw, myself I rather use this syntax:

  style: |
    ha-card {        
        {% if not is_state('sun.sun','above_horizon') %} red
        {% else %} green
      {% endif %};

or even shorter with the inline notation

  style: |
    ha-card {        
        {{ 'red' if not is_state('sun.sun','above_horizon') else 'green' }}

to avoid as much duplicate code as possible, matter of taste. Same goes for the positioning of the delimiting ;

Note: background-color is almost always replacable with background and again is less yaml :wink:

same goes for the !important. Only really required if you need to override another (global) setting in the local card, and in this case, not required.

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I canā€™t seem to get it to work, unfortunately.

type: heading
icon: mdi:desk
heading: BĆ¼ro
  - type: entity
    show_state: true
    show_icon: true
    entity: binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.rauchmelder_buro_reinheit
heading_style: subtitle
  style: |
    .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge {
        {% set s = states('binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2') %}
        {% if s == 'off' %} green;
        {% else %} red;
        {% endif %}

the icon should be colorized according to you state-colors in the theme, are they not changing at all?
note you need to set

color: state

on the badges you want colorized

Because you copy/pasted the example in a wrong way, compare your code & the example.

I have added a custom card mod to change to width and height of my camera view, but I get ā€œno card type configuredā€. What am I doing wrong ?

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: input_select.dashboard_view
                        state: 'camera'
                      - type: custom:mod-card
                          grid-area: panel     
                        style: |
                          ha-card {
                            width: 350px !important;
                            height: 200px !important;
                          type: vertical-stack
                            - type: picture-entity
                              entity: camera.deurbel_profile_name
                              camera_image: camera.deurbel_profile_name
                              camera_view: live
                              show_state: false
                              show_name: false

Iā€™m applying the following styling to 8 cards in my dash, while the only difference between the 8 are the --icon-color: and --shape_color: directives.

How can I simply re-use the majority of the styling, while still being able to set those two color lines per card? Iā€™ve been looking into yaml anchors, but fail to understand how to apply that in this use case/

    mushroom-state-info$: |
      .primary {
        font-size: 16px !important;
        position: relative;
        top: -47px;
        left: -150px;
        overflow: visible !important;
      .secondary {
        position: relative;
        overflow: visible !important;
        top: -49px;
        left: -150px;
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        position: relative;
        left: -32px;
        top: 105px;
        --icon-color: rgb(128, 199, 149) !important; 
        --shape-color: rgba(128, 199, 149, 0.2) !important; 
    .: |
      ha-card {
        background: none;
      :host {
        --mush-icon-size: 140px;

Ok, thank you for your help, but I just donā€™t understand it. Iā€™ve tried a few more times now, but I just canā€™t get it right.

type: heading
icon: mdi:desk
heading: BĆ¼ro
  - type: entity
    show_state: true
    show_icon: true
    entity: binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2
        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge $: |
          state-display {
            {% set s = states('binary_sensor.fenster_buro_tur_2') %}
              {% if s == 'off' %} green;
              {% else %} red;
              {% endif %};
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.rauchmelder_buro_reinheit
heading_style: subtitle

Check the docs for conditional card. Your problem is likely with that part of the code, not card-mod.

Conditional card takes a dictionary not a list.

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The condition is working ā€¦

Meaning what? My post helped, didnā€™t help, you still get the same error? Bit cryptic honestly.

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sorry, misread what you typed.
So you mean the ā€œtypeā€ cannot be a custom mod card ?

your post helped :wink: