šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

ha, that is actually a cool idea!

Iā€™ve added that to my card now. literally the first change since years (well, other than the move to a new collector)
Only need to adapt that icon to reflect the trash type

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                    div:nth-child(2) ha-attribute-icon:
                              $: |
                                path {
                                   d: path("M12 20V4L9 7") !important;
                                   stroke: #292929 !important;
                                   stroke-width: 3.5 !important;
                                   stroke-linecap: round !important;
                                   stroke-linejoin: round !important;

                    div:nth-child(3) ha-attribute-icon:
                              $: |
                                path {
                                   d: path("M8 8C8 6.97631 8.39052 5.95262 9.17157 5.17157C10.7337 3.60947 13.2663 3.60947 14.8284 5.17157C16.3905 6.73366 16.3905 9.26632 14.8284 10.8284L9.17157 16.4853C8.42143 17.2354 8 18.2528 8 19.3137L8 20L16 20") !important;
                                   stroke: #292929 !important;
                                   stroke-width: 3.5 !important;
                                   stroke-linecap: round !important;
                                   stroke-linejoin: round !important;
                    .: |
                      .option.selected {color: black! important}

Regarding the sections headings:

I used the following code in the headings card and it works. But how can I apply it globally through my theme - only for the heading cards? I canā€™t get my head around the code in the theme yamlā€¦

type: heading
icon: ""
heading: Schnellzugriff
heading_style: title
  columns: full
  rows: 1
  action: none
  class: class-section-heading-no-color
  style: |
    .container {
      background: transparent;
      margin-bottom: 20px !important;
      --ha-heading-card-title-color: #fafafa !important;
      --ha-heading-card-title-font-size: 20px !important;
      --ha-heading-card-title-font-weight: bold !important;
      --ha-heading-card-title-letter-spacing: -0.05vw !important;
      --ha-heading-card-subtitle-color: #efefef !important;
      --ha-heading-card-subtitle-font-size: 10px !important;


Iā€™m trying to create a template for styling chips to not repeat code, but the styles in chips are not applied.


      color: '252, 199, 55'
      isEnable: false
      style: |
        ha-card {
          --chip-background: rgba('" + variables.color + ", " + (variables.isEnable ? "1" : ".5") + "');
          padding: 5px !important;
          border-radius: 100% !important;


    type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        template: bubble_chip
          action: toggle
        icon: mdi:lamp
        entity: light.men_cave_ceiling_light
          isEnable: is_state('light.men_cave_ceiling_light', 'on')

Can someone help?
Iā€™m new in HA

button_card_templates is used for custom:button-cardā€¦ not mushroom

funny to see you use my class there :wink:

you can probably leave that out, if you have not defined that in your card-mod themes.

on the other hand, defining those classes is what you are after.
In the card-mod theme thread did we post how to do that, so hop over and search a bit

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omg so glad Iā€™m not alone. I think we nabbed a version that he quickly pulled back or somethingā€¦

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Seems I missed nothing here.
2 great news:
ā€“ ā€œ_renderEntityā€ fix became official;
ā€“ ā€œha-entity-markerā€ got itā€™s ā€œentityIdā€ property exposed (otherwise I was not able to access it even in an external js).

struggling with modding my statistics graph cards headersā€¦

not sure if it is because I am still using the 3.5.0 card-mod version, or the HA update to 2025.1 (havent found a merged pr in the card yet)

would appreciate if anyone of you could have a look in the statistics graph, and be able to set a mod like this

# card-header in $
  $: |
    .card-header {
       background: var(--background-color-off);
       font-weight: 400 !important;
       font-size: 20px !important;
       color: var(--text-color-off) !important;
       padding: 0px 12px !important;
       margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px !important;
  .: |
    .card-header ha-icon-button {
      --card-mod-icon-color: var(--primary-color);
      {{'display: none' if is_state('input_boolean.hide_history_graph_link','on')}};

which is what I Am still able to do in the inspectorā€¦

there are several 3.5.0 challenges I hope will be fixed in a future update, but this one seems to me should be doable already.

Unless a reall bug in card-mod 3,5,0 of course.

so, please see if 3.4.4 can do what I need? thanks

btw, the history and statics graph cards have different structures, which is unfortunate. Maybe Ill open a FR to align those

nevermind, I downgraded and that made it clear immediately that 3.4.0 still does work on that

making that either a bug in 3.5.0, or a required syntax change Ive not yet foundā€¦

Iā€™m trying to modify simple-weather-card:
in the way to put some custom text (marked red) basically translation weather info, and also is it possible somehow to change individual small icons (marked blue). If I put the card_mod option (below) all small icons are the same.

type: custom:simple-weather-card
entity: weather.home
name: CITY
  - wind_bearing
  - wind_speed
  - humidity
  - precipitation_probability
  style: |
    .weather__icon {
      {% set condition = states(config.entity) %} 
      {% if condition == 'partlycloudy' and is_state('sun.sun', 'below_horizon') %}
        {% set condition = condition + '-night' %}
      {% endif %}
      background-image: url("/local/weather_icons/{{ condition }}.svg") !important;
    .weather__icon--small {
      background-image: url("/local/weather_icons/windy.svg") !important;

This modification (with animated weather icons) was made by the user: rhysb so all the credits to himā€¦

1st post as usual?

no, that is the thing.
this is what I used before, see the paste of the yaml.

with 3.5.0 this no longer works.
It might be why Thomas retracted it, it could also be we need another mod in that version. Not sure yet.

Well, not tried it)))

yeah. I know, living on the edgeā€¦

I liked the features of 3.5.0 so much, I didnt want to go back, and figured it would a mere fx for some well known card_mods.

Itā€™s turned out to be a bit more complex than hoped for, but now Ive gone this far, going back would even be more of a day job.

So it gave me the opportunity to take apart some heavy stacked and complex cards.

however, several simple things remain unsolved. l
like setting box-shadow: none to an auto-entities inside an entities cardā€¦

Ill await what Card-mod will do the next few days/weeks, and if nothing comes of that, Ill have to reconsiderā€¦

First I wanted to install 3.5.0 for testing, but it was deleted from github.
Can you share a code somewhere?

I thought about testing 3.5.0 as well, but if the changes will not stay after re-releasing it, I donā€™t have time and mind for redoing so many things perhaps again. So Iā€™m now on 2025.1 with 3.4.4 and stay for the meantime with that.

Iā€™m having an issue where text-content:not(.info) is not formatting in the default entities card.


title: Temps
type: entities
  - entity: sensor.central_bee_current_temperature
          $: |
            text-content:not(.info) {
              color: green;

But nothing changes.


Canā€™t seem to find my mistake as it looks correct with other peopleā€™s examples.

EDIT: Looks like there was another person with the same issue a few weeks back, donā€™t see a resolution (Iā€™m on a PC)

Compare with an ATTENTION your code with an example from the 1st post ā†’ link at the bottom ā†’ Entities

lol, I was missing the period before text-content:not(.info)


Thank you!

Hi Thomas,
I would like to use your card-mod.

Just want to increase the font size

What do i do wrong?

type: tile
entity: sensor.wvwfdsae118877_battery_cruising_range
name: Range
vertical: true
  style: |
    ha-card {
     font-size: 4em;