🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Hy everyone,
i would like reduce the title column width, but not function :frowning: Can anyone help me? Thanks

  - entity: sensor.soggiorno_temperatura
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Soggiorno
    show_state: true
    icon: mdi:sofa
    state_color: true
      style: |
          $: |
            div.info.pointer.text-content:(.info) {
              flex: 1 1 20%;

This is the class to modify

Hi together,

I try to remove the icon background for a custom:trash-card. I tried e.g., the following YAML but without success.

type: custom:trash-card
  - calendar.abfallkalender
event_grouping: true
drop_todayevents_from: "10:00:00"
next_days: 30
  - icon: mdi:flower
    color: brown
    type: organic
    pattern: Bioabfall
    label: Bioabfall
  - icon: mdi:newspaper
    color: green
    type: paper
    label: Altpapier
    pattern: Altpapier
  - icon: mdi:recycle-variant
    color: yellow
    type: recycle
    label: Gelber Sack
    pattern: Gelber Sack
  - icon: mdi:trash-can-outline
    color: light-grey
    type: waste
    label: Restabfall
    pattern: Restabfall
  - icon: mdi:dump-truck
    color: purple
    type: others
day_style: counter
alignment_style: left
color_mode: icon
items_per_row: 2
refresh_rate: 60
with_label: true
filter_events: false
only_all_day_events: false
use_summary: false
hide_time_range: false
full_size: false
  style: |
    :ha-card { 
      tile-color: transparent !important;

Parts of my dashboard, red marked with the icon background (that I try to remove), green where I removed everywhere the background color already for all other cards.

Many thanks upfront!!!

hi! is it possible to change icon color based on state using mushroom climate card?

Hi together,
I found the CSS element but I do not understand how to handle this in card-mod properly. Can anybody help me please?! I need to make tile-color transparent.

Many thanks!!

  style: |
    :host {
      --tile-color: transparent;

Many thanks, I tried but it is not working.
I read in the docu something to be handled differently in shadowroot.

Any idea?

I found it…

  style: |
    .container { 
      --tile-color: transparent !important;

For me this only changes the tile icon color? Not the tile card background… weird.

Hover on a card - you will see a reddish background.
If you need a permanently displayed pure red background - another code is needed.

Oh I don’t see it when I hover tbh, but yes would like to know how to change the actual card background pls, I know there was code that made the tile card background match a light’s color but I can’t find that anymore tbh. Thanks.

Screen Recording 2025-01-12 at 6.00.29 PM.mov [video-to-gif output image]

I see, this happens because you are applying it to “container”.
I missed this.
Is it your code or just copy/pasted from somewhere? No idea why “container” is used here.
Go to 1st post → link at the bottom titled “fantastic” → Tile (use for learning)

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No not my code I was copy/pasting from the above post. Also thanks I found your post and figured it out.

hi guys!
i’m using flex-horseshoe-card in combination with card mod to fit my needs. (really love both of them, thank you for creating!!).
unfortunately my coding skills are quite useless, most of my “creations” are results of copy/paste :slight_smile:

in my card the circle of the horseshoe card gets gradientcolor depending on entity state, works well.

  horseshoe_style: colorstopgradient
  "0": grey
  "1": red
  "500": orange
  "1500": green

i wanna colorize the title aswell und using this code to now:

        .datagroup: |
          text:nth-of-type(2) .state__value {
            {% if states('sensor.inverter_eingangsleistung') | float >= 1500 %}
              fill: green !important;
            {% elif states('sensor.inverter_eingangsleistung') | float >= 500 %}
              fill: orange !important;
            {% elif states('sensor.inverter_eingangsleistung') | float >= 1 %}
              fill: red !important;
            {% else %}
              fill: var(--primary-text-color) !important;
            {% endif %}

2025-01-13 16_06_39-PC – Home Assistant

its okay, but i would be much better, when the text had some color like the gradientcolor from the card circle.
how can i achieve to “syncronize” the colors from the circle to the text?

thanks a lot in advance!

Thank you, finally implemented this, almost a year after, and got my badges back :slight_smile: . Meanwhile, did anyone find a solution for the “change name” part, using card_mod or any other solution??? Tryed to browse answers, but did not find. Thanks in advance!

1st post → link at the bottom → picture elements.
This is same badge which is STILL used in picture-elements - so it behaves same way.

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Thank you, gonna check that out. I was trying to add as normal badges, maybe I need this different approach. :pray:

Yes, and same you will do - not inside picture-elements.

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Hi everyone, is there any way to combine these 2 pieces of code? I’ve tried many methods with no success

              ha-dialog$: |
                @media (max-width: 450px), (max-height: 500px) {
                  div.mdc-dialog div.mdc-dialog__container {
                    align-items: start;
                    padding-top: 0px;
                    --mdc-dialog-min-height: auto !important;
                    --ha-dialog-border-radius: 0 0 90px 30px !important;
                    backdrop-filter: blur(0.2em) brightness(0.75) !important;

            style: |
              ha-card {
                border: 0px !important;

1st post - link at the bottom - other stuff - combining

Hey Guys, i have a question how can i remove the margin from the marked posistion (see picture)? where i need to add it and what exactly?

my current code is this, but i dont find a solution to remove this states margin, maybe i add it wrong

type: custom:expander-card
title: Erweiterte Einstellungen
  - type: entities
      - entity: input_boolean.heizperiode
        name: Heizperiode
        icon: mdi:thermostat-box-auto
        show_state: false
        state_color: true
          action: none
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
          - entity: automation.advanced_heating_control_wohnzimmer
            name: Automatik
            toggle: true
              width: 85px
          - entity: input_boolean.heizperiode
            name: Heizperiode
            toggle: true
            hui-generic-entity-row .entities-row div.entity:
                $: |
                  ha-switch {
                    padding-top: 5px !important;
                    padding-bottom: 0px !important;
      - type: custom:mushroom-select-card
        entity: input_select.advanced_heating_control_scheduler
        name: Scheduler
        icon: mdi:calendar-month-outline
        layout: horizontal
        secondary_info: none
          style: |
            ha-card {
              --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
              --card-primary-font-weight: normal;
              padding: 0px !important;
            mushroom-shape-icon {
              --shape-color: none !important;
              --icon-color: #44739e !important;
            ha-state-icon {
              width: 36px;
    state_color: true
    show_header_toggle: false