šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Sure, but itā€™s still very much a work in progress. This is how it looks now:

The code is here: kiosk_mode: user_settings: - users: - Samsung Galaxy S4 - Pastebin.com. To get it working youā€™ll need to install the custom cards and images for the Neon theme, which can be found here: Neon Lovelace UI & Theme for tablets

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It was just example. I have already tried several DOM structures.
It looks like this:
hui-generic-entity-row > entities-row > entity > div > state-badge .icon-small > ha-state-icon > ha-icon > ha-svg-icon

Tried several configuration but itā€™s not quite obvious I think. Iā€™m a programmer and I normally I donā€™t have a problems to work with structures but I feel like in the dead end :smiley: Feel stupid
Would You mind check it if it should working?

I will be back in a few days and will try to help you!

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Thanks in advance! Happy new year!

        {% if states('sensor.date') == '2021-12-31' and
           states('sensor.time') > '23:58' %}animation: blink 2s ease infinite;
        {% endif %}

I know the time shouldnā€™t be dealt with like thisā€¦ but hey, it works for nowā€¦


now() > now().replace(hour=23).replace(minute=59).replace(second=30)

is better, but the frontend doesnā€™t update without a refreshā€¦

will try this next year:

{% if now().day == 31 and now().month == 12 and
           now() > today_at('23:59') %}

Has anyone made the switch described in the recent update:

    - /local/card-mod.js

If I do this and remove it from being a Lovelace resource I get an error in HACS that card-mod hasnā€™t been loaded after restarting. Are we supposed to have it in both places? (I did change the path to be correctā€¦)

using an empty entities card, to get a header in a vertical stack:

  - type: entities
    title: Set Switches
      style: |
       .card-header {
          background-color: var(--background-color-off);
          color: var(--text-color-off);
          padding-top: 0px;
          padding-bottom: 0px;
          margin: 0px 0px -8px 0px;
    entities: []

can we somehow add an action to it and navigate to another view?

I think you still need both. But this gives a console error about card-mod already being loaded

You might need to clear your cache ā€” always a good practice when it comes to any frontend oddities.

I have card-mod only loaded under the frontend section now (i.e. itā€™s not under my resources section anymore, which is how I understand the docs).

Rather than just saying you ā€œfixedā€ your path, show it. In my case, it looks like this (installed via HACS):

    - /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js

If you donā€™t have it in resources as well you will see this:

Even after you clear cache

Also this:

Thatā€™s interestingā€¦ I donā€™t have that error.

Iā€™m using UI mode for Lovelace. Maybe thatā€™s why. It doesnā€™t hurt loading it via the resources and yaml. Just a console error for it.

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Did You resolve this issue @Mariusthvdb ?

Thank You @Milenco - Got one question. How did You put entities data in the secondary_info? I canā€™t find it here in example so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s another addon?

exactly what would you like to see resolved? custom-ui is ā€˜strongerā€™ than card-mod, so I have resolved it by understanding the inner workings and playing with that.

the non centric icon is another matter, and still happening. Think those are simply not 100% prefect icons :wink:

Hi, thank You for the response. I was playing with that icon centre and finally fixed with:

state-badge.pointer {
   animation: rotation .5s linear infinite;
   line-height: 39px;

Iā€™m using custom:multiple-entity-row for this, having the primary entity as the main entity (which shows on secondary-info) and all other entities in the row.

thanks, I tried both your changes, but can not say I see any difference I am afraid. It must have to be with the icon, because when I animate the background of the icon, it is perfectly round, or at least way betterā€¦

Any Card-mod gurus able to help me on this? Iā€™m trying to target this state-switch <div> to set overflow: visible so that the background colour/image can ā€˜escapeā€™.

This is what it currently looks like:

This is the desired look:

This is the <div> I can target with overflow: visible to make it work under styles #root {}:

Iā€™ve attempted to wrap the state-switch-card within a custom:mod-card but Iā€™m not sure if this is the correct approach?


      - type: custom:stack-in-card
          grid-area: main1
          justify-self: middle
            mediaquery: '(min-width: 600px)'
          style: |
            #root {
              overflow: visible !important;
            :host {
              margin-top: -300px !important;
              padding-top: 300px !important;
              overflow: visible !important;
              margin-left: -4px !important;
            ha-card {
              background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important;
              backdrop-filter: blur(0px) !important;
              border-radius: 30px 30px 30px 30px !important;
              box-shadow: none !important;
              overflow: visible !important;
          - type: custom:mod-card
              type: custom:state-switch
              entity: hash
              transition: slide-left
              transition_time: 500
                grid-area: main1
                  type: custom:layout-card
                  layout_type: grid
                    grid-area: main1
                    grid-template-columns: auto 300px 300px auto
                    grid-template-rows: 1fr
                    - type: custom:mini-media-player

just sharing a small card config I had been forgetting to check out:

which is an entities card containing 2 custom:badge-card

type: entities
title: Summary
  style: |
    .card-header {
      background-color: var(--background-color-off);
      color: var(--text-color-off);
      /*font-weight: bold;*/
      margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px;
      padding-top: 0px;
      padding-bottom: 0px;
  - type: custom:badge-card
      - sensor.home_badge
      - sensor.doors_badge
      - sensor.hubs_badge
      - sensor.critical_badge
      - sensor.lights_badge
  - type: custom:badge-card
      - sensor.switch_badge
      - sensor.active_badge
      - sensor.appli_badge
      - sensor.play_badge
      - sensor.track_badge

I wanted to spread the badges more evenly, and even tested it with grid card, but ofc that doesnt work.


      style: |
        div#badges {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: space-around;

helps though, and is a mod I dont think Ive seen before in this topic, and is quite neat and simple, preventing the need for verbose numbers. Just let the frontend figure it out :wink:

simple final code:

type: entities
title: Summary
  style: |
    .card-header {
      background-color: var(--background-color-off);
      color: var(--text-color-off);
      /*font-weight: bold;*/
      margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px;
      padding-top: 0px;
      padding-bottom: 0px;
  - type: custom:badge-card
    card_mod: &spread
      style: |
        div#badges {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-around;
      - sensor.home_badge
      - sensor.doors_badge
      - sensor.hubs_badge
      - sensor.critical_badge
      - sensor.lights_badge
  - type: custom:badge-card
    card_mod: *spread
      - sensor.switch_badge
      - sensor.active_badge
      - sensor.appli_badge
      - sensor.play_badge
      - sensor.track_badge
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Iā€™ve used a template sensor to combine humidity and temperate:

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.motion_bathroom_hue_temperature.state }} {{ states.sensor.motion_bathroom_hue_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement }}, {{ states.sensor.humidity_bathroom_humidity.state }}{{ states.sensor.humidity_bathroom_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement }} '