🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

new frontend (0214) finally fixes the long awaited troubles with the input_selects being clipped at the browser borders.

However… now we have a theming problem:

the dropdown itself is nice:

checking inspector shows we now need to set

    mdc-select-ink-color: var(--primary-text-color)
    mdc-select-fill-color: var(--card-background-color)

and that makes:

and selected (active)

only want the primary color back on the unselected name, for now this is a heads up :wink:

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Is it a screenshot from iPhone? )))
I guess (cannot test) that by adding the margin-right: -16px you move the scrollbar outside the card and it will be displayed only while scrolling.
On desktop you will not see a scrollbar, the area will be scrollable by mouse.

yes, I need to set those margins, because the 16px default would otherwise show the edges of the entities card. however, I do that everywhere, and only here it moves the scrollbar outside of the card…

setting the padding to 0px brings it back in.

and no this is a screenshot from desktop browser, and I tested in Safari, Chrome, Firefox.

iPhone is beautiful too though

fyi, this is what happens when using

  - type: entities
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background: transparent;
          box-shadow: none;
        .card-content {
          max-height: 400px;
          overflow-y: scroll;
          margin: -8px 0px -8px 0px;
          /*padding-right: 0px;*/
          padding-top: 8px;



so, first set margins to make buttons use full width, then set padding-right to push scrollbar back in.

hello. please help me remove this block. there used to be an icon there. I deleted the icon itself, but the block under it is still there. how do I delete this block?

You should apply a “display: none” property to “state-badge” element.

thanks for the reply. I’ve done this before, but I made a mistake with tabs and spaces
full version

        - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.west
            "#states div":
                    $: |
                      .flex .info {
                        margin-top: -20px;
                      state-badge {


Too many errors with indents and using “: |”.
Check other card-mod examples (1st post).

Dear Илдар,
I’ve read the whole thread, but I’m stuck, even with using card-mod-helper.
How do I have to express the following:

I’ve tried (amongst countless other versions):

- type: custom:layout-card
  layout_type: custom:vertical-layout
    style: |
        #columns { 
          border-radius: 12px;
          margin: 0;
    - type: custom:button-card
          - border-radius: 12px !important #doesn't work
          - ha-card-border-radius: 12px !important #doesn't work
          - box-shadow: 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) #works
          - border-style: solid #works

… but to no avail.

Ofc… Ive found something you didnt touch yet: how to move the head group icon to the left.

Just like we did with the label before:

card_mod: &label
  style: |
    .label {
      margin-left: 0px;

Id love to move the icon of the head: group to the left with the same amount:

I tried it with:

      style: |
          $: |
            state-badge.pointer {
              margin-left: 0px;

but no effect.


  - type: custom:fold-entity-row
    head: group.philips_room_motion_sensor_switches
      style: |
          $: |
            state-badge.pointer {
              margin-left: 0px;
      secondary_info: last-changed
#      type: section
#      label: Rooms
#      card_mod: *label
    padding: 0

since using :host and icon color works fine, I tried expanding that to:

      style: |

        :host {
          --paper-item-icon-color: red;
          margin-left: 0px;

but again: no margin shift, just a color red :wink:

@Mariusthvdb You are going to have to show me one day how to navigate the shadowDOM for styling. I just cannot seem to get the syntax or selectors correct.

On another topic. @Mariusthvdb and @arganto thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have made some good progress and will post soon. My question today is: Is there a way to set the tap_action conditionally? eg. If there is an active weather alert I would like the tap_action to display the full text of the alert in a popup. (I have this part working). If there is no active alert, I want the tap_action set to ‘none.’ Is this possible?

Ghalfa I am in the same boat. It just isn’t making sense yet. Nice Border Collie BTW

ofc … :wink: that is, it depends on the card you want to do that with. this is eg a custom:button-card:

          action: >
            [[[ return (window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] != 'home_summary')
                ? 'navigate' : null; ]]]
          navigation_path: >
            [[[ return (window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] != 'home_summary')
                ? '/ui-overview/home_summary' : null; ]]]

did you see this?

Yep, it is a custom:button-card. And this tells me it is possible, so let me work on this. Thanks again.

Yes, that hasn’t been much help. I think my problem also lies with knowing what I can and cannot style and where to start drilling down.

So this is what I am trying to do:

                action: >
                  [[[ return (states['binary_sensor.rndrck_alrt']) ? 
                    '!include popup/roundrck_alert.yaml' :

Apparently, this is not the way to do this.

There’s two parts to an action if you look at Marius’ code. First, the action itself (navigate, or in your case fire-dom-event) and then the data that goes with it (navigation_path, or in your case I’d try with browser_mod).

Yes, I think this works. Although I have manually set the state to off/false and I still get a popup.

   action: >
     return (states['binary_sensor.template_rndrck_alrt'].state) ? 
     'fire-dom-event' :
   command: popup
   title: Round Rock Alert
   large: true
     type: iframe
     url: https:// ...

You’re missing the operator on your if statement, that might have something to do with it :wink:

I don’t see what I am missing. I did reformat it like Marius’ snippet, but I still get the same behavior. Sorry if I am obtuse on this:

   action: >
      [[[ return (states['binary_sensor.template_rndrck_alrt'].state)
        ? 'fire-dom-event' : 'none'; ]]]