🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Have you looked at custom:stack-in-card? Should join it all together so there isn’t any space between buttons. You could have 4 of them where you join the top and bottom together in each one, or you can make one big seamless stack with no spaces in between.

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Thanks both for the pointers! Will check out both options.

I’m trying to fit in my home assistant kiosk on a Hyperpixel 4.0 square screen so i need to lower the height of an entity row avoiding a vertical scrollbar. For some reason i can’t get this to work, what i’m doing wrong?

My code:

  - type: entities
      - entity: cover.rolluiken_slaapkamer_3
        name: Room 3
      - entity: cover.rolluiken_slaapkamer_2
        name: Room 2
      - entity: cover.rolluiken_slaapkamer_1
        name: Room 1
      - entity: cover.rolluiken_slaapkamer_0
        name: Room 0
      - entity: cover.sunscreen_1
        name: Sunscreen 1
      - entity: cover.sunscreen_2
        name: Sunscreen 2
      - entity: cover.sunscreen_3
        name: Sunscreen 3
      style: |
        hui-generic-entity-row {
          height: 40px;

another option:

    - type: custom:mod-card
        style: |
          :host {
            --grid-card-gap: 0px;
        type: grid

simply reduce the gap to 0 :wink:

or set that to the row in button-card directly:

    - type: custom:button-card

          - row-gap: 0px
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1st post → link at the bottom

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I would like to alter the look of the custom:weather-card fron Bram Kragten. I am an absolute beginner on this, and just start playing with the DOM Inspector after reading about this. I found the items i would like to change.
This is the card i want to change and below the card I changed via DOM inspector:


The changes are obvious in the header part of the card. This is the default code of the card:

type: custom:weather-card
entity: weather.home
number_of_forecasts: '5'
name: Het weer

I made an overview of the items i would like to change:

The items are .icon_bigger, .title, .temp and .tempc
But i do’nt know how i put these with styles: in my card config.

I have the feeling i am almost there to understand how this works… But can anyone please tell me how i go further with this?

I found this in the Inspector:

You are doing it wrong!
card-mod.js?hacstag=190927524315:5 mod-card should NEVER be used with a card that already has a ha-card element, such as weather-card

OK, Does anyone knows how to change this Card? Perhaps @bramkragten the maker of this card?

Probably you tried to use mod-card with this weather card - which is wrong.

why dont you simply edit the card itself? You seem to know exactly what you want, go ahead and edit the resource file itself.

Hi @Mariusthvdb Marius,
You are right! I browsed the file weather-card.js and found the items to change. Success!
It was more the fear of the unknown; I have never done this before. AND I was hoping I could change this with the mod-card from Thomas Loven.
But it was actually quite simple. Looking back I feel myself a bit foolish… :slight_smile:
Thanks for putting me in the direction.


Why do you use :host in this and other examples?

Most probably these are very old examples…
In some cases I also used kind of “ha-card some_element”.
In most cases “:host” & “ha-card” will not harm - but they should be omitted, actually.

Ah o.k. Thought there is some magic 🧙‍♂️ behind. ha-card was/is fine. But :host is no html element/dom-path-selector, so most probably it was never necessary, but worked with it as well by chance.

Probably “:host” SHOULD be used only when it is the ONLY selector, like:

- entity: xxx
    style: |
      :host { ... }

BTW, “:host” as a selector may be seen in Code Inspector:
just to clarify what it represents.

Also, In my first posts I used to use this construction:

      $: |
        element {...}

which will work but not optimal - see this.
Later I posted all styles with an optimized code (also, some old post were revised too).

Yes and no. :host is only a html pseudo class (as :after, etc.) not a dom structure element. So you can put styles for the shadow root in total.

But it is not there to derive the path as with (real) element in the html-tree.


Is there a way to use an if/else statement within CSS? Trying to get this to work:

[[[return `Status: <br><span style="color: lime;">{% if states('switch.pool_robot') ==='on' %} Cleaning {% else %} Sleeping {% endif %}</span>`]]]

It works fine with ${states[‘switch.pool_robot’].state}, but I’d rather it say Cleaning than just “on”, which is the true state.

Use search here for “{% if states(” string.

Got it!

[[[ if (entity.state === 'on') return `Status: <br><span style="color: lime;">Cleaning</span>`; return `Status: <br><span style="color: lime;">Sleeping</span>`; ]]]

still using that on various places. But not sure how to do without:

type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
    :host {
      --stack-card-margin: 0px;
  type: vertical-stack

and likewise:

  - type: custom:mod-card
      style: |
        :host {
          --grid-card-gap: 0px;
      type: grid

on a badge:

    - entity: person.marijn
        style: |
          :host {
              --ha-label-badge-label-color: black;
            {% set zones = states.zone|map(attribute='name')|list %}
            {% set id = config.entity.split('.')[1] %}
            {% set activity = states('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_activity') %}
            {% set cc = state_attr('sensor.' ~ id ~ '_geocoded_location','ISO Country Code')|lower %}
            {% if cc and cc != 'nl' %}
              --label-badge-red: white;
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'home') %}
              --label-badge-red: green;
              --ha-label-badge-label-color: gold;
            {% elif 'bij' in states(config.entity) %}
              --label-badge-red: gold;
            {% elif activity in ['Automotive','Cycling','Walking'] or
                    states(config.entity) in zones %}
              --label-badge-red: mediumslateblue
            {% else %}
              --label-badge-red: #636B75;
            {% endif %}

on an include filter in auto-entities:

            - attributes: {device_class: battery}
                secondary_info: last-updated
                style: |
                  :host {
                    --card-mod-icon-color: {% if states(config.entity)|int(-1) < 30 %}red
                                           {% elif states(config.entity)|int(-1) < 60 %}orange

and, eg on a plain entity:

      - entity: binary_sensor.backups_stale
          style: |
            :host {
                {% if states(config.entity) == 'off' %} green
                {% else %} red
                {% endif %}

and even worse:

      - entity: sensor.backup_state
          style: |
            :host {
                {% if states(config.entity) == 'backed_up' %} mdi:check-circle
                {% else %} mdi:alert-circle
                {% endif %};

                {% if states(config.entity) == 'backed_up' %} green
                {% else %} red
                {% endif %};

could you help me fix this, so I dont need the :host?
would be awesome,

You need :host there. And you are assigning things for :host. That is fne. I only wanted to address, that afaik we don’t need the :host in the path example above. and/or wanted to know if there is some unknown hidden magic behind it otherwise.

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