🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

The editor you see offers visual editing, i.e. you can define the options from menus, or code editing.
Certain card features, e.g. styling, cannot be done via the visual editor. They are only available be editing the code.

So you can ignore the warning. It just tells you, that you need to edit code to change styles.

When I have placed that code, font style and scale no longer work.

Code in the end and can modify it.

According to this it is.

In both your syntax is strange.

It should be


But I am not an expert myself. I would just try to play around with that because to me it look sa bit strange. But without the actual code posted I cannot test either.

Excellent find.

Slightly limited documentation, but it is always clearer for the programmer than for me ^^

      ha-card-box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px black
      ha-card-border-width: 0px
      ha-card-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      ha-card-border-style: none
      stack-card-margin: 0
          text-primary-color: white
          ha-card-primary-text-color: white
          ha-card-secondary-text-color: white
      card-mod-theme: boxshadow
      card-mod-boxshadow-yaml: |
        ha-card {
          content: '';
          position: absolute; 
          left: 0; 
          top: 0; 
          width: 100%; 
          height: 100%; 
          animation-name: gradient-shadow-card;
          animation-timing-function: linear;
          animation-duration: 8s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;

        @keyframes gradient-shadow-card {
          0% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;
          25% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px blue,0 0 30px 10px blue;
          50% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;
          75% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px blue,0 0 30px 10px blue;
          100% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;

Also tried to implement it and only have the keyframes in the card-mod-section:

      ha-card-box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px black
      ha-card-border-width: 0px
      ha-card-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
      ha-card-border-style: none
      stack-card-margin: 0
      ha-card-content: ''
      ha-card-position: absolute
      ha-card-left: 0
      ha-card-top: 0
      ha-card-width: 100%
      ha-card-height: 100%
      ha-card-animation-name: gradient-shadow-card
      ha-card-animation-timing-function: linear
      ha-card-animation-duration: 8s
      ha-card-animation-iteration-count: infinite 
      card-mod-theme: boxshadow
      card-mod-boxshadow-yaml: |
        @keyframes gradient-shadow-card {
          0% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;
          25% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px blue,0 0 30px 10px blue;
          50% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;
          75% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px blue,0 0 30px 10px blue;
          100% {
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px darkblue,0 0 30px 10px darkblue;
          text-primary-color: white
          ha-card-primary-text-color: white
          ha-card-secondary-text-color: white

How do I post the code ?

copy & paste here using code syntsx </>

Can I change the green color of the logo ?

< type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
entity: climate.bdr_thermostat
name: room thermostat
collapsible_controls: true
show_temperature_control: true
fill_container: true
layout: horizontal
style: |
ha-card {
font-size: 20px !important;
border: 1px solid black;
color: white;
border-radius: 0px;
background-color: black;
height: 120px !important;

} 123>

Ok so finally calling out for help…cant seem to be able to remove the padding from a Logbook-card .
I have tried calling it with the h1 element and also by class .card-header. Manual change in the Inspector works fine (see image below) but im not sure how I deal with :host or ::slotted part of the element.
After all the other card mods I have done this should be so simple but it is taking me days (including reading all 3000 posts above)

Should note that the logbook is nested in a custom: fold-entity-row and im not sure if this is impacting it

Any suggestions greatly appreciated


          - type: custom:logbook-card
            entity: switch.retic_vswitch_c1_1
            desc: true
            title: History
            date_format: ddd  dd/MM/YYYY hh:mma
            history: 7
            collapse: 1
              separator: true
              end_date: false
              icon: false
              - label: Station On
                value: 'on'
              color: black
              style: dashed
              - 'off'
              - unavailable
              .: |
                ha-card {
                  left: 63px;
                  width: 280px;  
                  margin-top: 8px;
                  padding-top: 0px !important;
                  padding-left: 2px;
                .card-content {
                  padding-top: 0px !important;
                  padding-bottom: 0px;
                .card-header {
                  padding-top: 0px !important;

    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
    .: |
      mushroom-shape-icon {
        --shape-color: blue !important;
        --icon-color: white !important;


Sorry for interfering, this construction is meaningless:

    element $: |
    .: |
      element  {

May be only

      element  {

Thanks, MrThiemann :+1:

Also working, thanks IIdar_Gabdullin :+1:

Hi, how to make this background black and no radius

type: custom:auto-entities
show_header_toggle: true
title: low battery
type: entities
state_color: true
- attributes:
device_class: battery
state: <= 10
- name: /[Ll]ow/
- name: /[Ss]tate/
method: state
numeric: true
reverse: true
style: null
.: |
ha-card {
border: 1px solid black;
color: white;
border-radius: 0px;
background-color: black;

Hi guys, I want to make an mobile version here, and I am trying to achiev this inverted rounded borders.


I did it on photoshop, but I really suck at PS, and I wanted to know if there is a way to do it natively on HA so I can have more flexibility, using an picture-element image?

Here is how mine done:


I am trying to make a custom time card but I can’t seem to get my title spacing to work:

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:mushroom-title-card
  title: '{{ now().strftime(''%I'') }}:{{ now().strftime(''%M %p'') | lower }}'
  subtitle: >-
    {{ now().strftime('%A') }}, {{ now().strftime('%B') }} {{
    now().strftime('%d') }}
    mushroom-title-card$: |
      .header {
        --title-padding: 12px 12px 3px;
      .title {
        font-size: 34px!important;
        spacing: 100px;
      .subtitle {
        font-size: 25px!important;

Everything works except for spacing: 100px;

trying to change mush-title-spacing: 12px

Any help would be great!

Thanks :slight_smile:


How do I change the font color on this card? I don’t understand why this isn’t working:

        - type: custom:mini-media-player
            style: |
              ha-card {color: white;}

I‘m currently changing the background color of my Mushroom cards based on the state (like on or off for lights).

That’s done by using card mod inside every single card using is_state(config.entity, 'on').

Can something like this be done using a card mod theme, to avoid editing each card?

Or isn’t it possible to catch the state of the single cards using a general approach?

Thanks in advance

You are not the 1st time here and probably do know about “1st post → link at the bottom”.

Yep. I checked there and tried a few of the things. I couldn’t get any of them to work.