🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Can anyone please help me to increase the font size for the Mushroom Thermostat card temperature control?

type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
entity: climate.bedroom_ac
layout: vertical
show_temperature_control: true
secondary_info: none
  action: call-service
  service: switch.toggle
    entity_id: switch.bedroom_ac_toggle
  data: {}
icon: mdi:snowflake
collapsible_controls: false
hvac_modes: []
fill_container: false
  style: |
    ha-card { 
    --card-primary-font-size: 1.6em;

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi all!

I have a vertical-stack with a media-control card and a custom-button card. I have modified the size of the button so that it does not occupy the entire width of the column and my ultimate goal is to place the button on top of the control-card and align it after the next track button.

Below I show my code.

- type: custom:mod-card
    type: vertical-stack
      style: |
        ha-card {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: center;
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.musiccast_kitchen

      - type: custom:button-card
        icon: mdi:link-variant
            - width: 50px
            - height: 50px
            - position: relative
            - transform: translate(100px, -100px)

The problem is that depending on the screen (mobile, tablet…) the relative position of the button with respect to the media-control card varies.
Is there a way to make this not happen?
If it’s not possible, how can I at least make the button appear centered in the column?

I’m totally new to card-mod, so I’d appreciate if someone could help me.

Start with fixing this:
When using mod-card - styles are supposed to be defined on mod-card level.

I would like to change the style “–grid-card-column-count” of a hui-grid-card.

<hui-grid-card style="--grid-card-column-count: 2;"></hui-grid-card>

I tried the following - but it does not work :frowning:

  type: grid
      hui-grid-card$: |
        hui-grid-card {
          --grid-card-column-count: {{ 1 if user == 'handy' else 2 }} !important;

Could please someone help?

Hi everyone,
I’ve noticed that the newer HA updates have added a box around my once boxless/shadowless card:

I can’t seem to figure out how to remove it.

I’ve tried:
ha-card-border: 0px
ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)
ha-card-border-width: 0
ha-card-box-shadow: 0px
with no luck.

Am I missing anything in the below code?:

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:mushroom-title-card
  title: '{{ now().strftime(''%I'') }}:{{ now().strftime(''%M %p'') | lower }}'
  subtitle: >-
    {{ now().strftime('%A') }}, {{ now().strftime('%B') }} {{
    now().strftime('%d') }}
    mushroom-title-card$: |
      .header {
        --title-padding: 12px 12px 3px;
      .title {
        font-size: 34px!important;
        spacing: 100px;
      .subtitle {
        font-size: 25px!important;
      ha-card {
        height: 98px !important;
      ha-card-border: 0px
      ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)
      ha-card-border-width: 0
      ha-card-box-shadow: 0px

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Same as for the stack cards. Have a look in the developer tools of your browser. There is no ha-card element, which is needed for ingesting code via card-mod. So you have to place a mod-card around it here as well. See here.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have put the styles on mod-card level and tried to apply the style only for the custom:button-card but the code doesn’t work. Surely because the selector is not correct.
Please, could you tell me what I’m doing wrong.

- type: custom:mod-card
    type: vertical-stack
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.musiccast_kitchen
      - type: custom:button-card
        icon: mdi:link   
      ha-card $: 
        hui-vertical-stack-card $: 
          div#root button-card$:
            div#aspect-ratio ha-card: |
              .button-card-main {
                  position: relative;
                  display: block;
                  margin: auto;
                  width: 60%;
                  justify-content: center;

Path must be defined in accordance to Code Inspector.

type: custom:mod-card
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: media-control
      entity: media_player.kodi_rpi_1
    - type: custom:button-card
      icon: mdi:link-variant
    hui-vertical-stack-card $ div#root button-card $: |
      div#aspect-ratio .button-card-main {

Thank you very much for your help, the truth is that I am having a hard time understanding how to build the selector.
I have a question, why the selector you have indicated works and the following doesn’t?

hui-vertical-stack-card $ div#root button-card $ div#aspect-ratio: |
  .button-card-main {

probably because this is how card-mod works)))

Sorry if my questions are too basic but, what means when you put div#aspect-ratio in the next line? I am not supposed to follow the objects in the code Inspector?

Frankly speaking, from my experience I do not expect some 100% predicted behaviour.
Sometimes I need to do this:

xxx $:
  xxx $: |
    xxx {...}

sometimes it does not work and I have to do this:

xxx $ xxx $: |
    xxx {...}

Next, instead of this:

xxx $ xxx $ xxx: |
    xxx {...}

I usually use this:

xxx $ xxx $: |
    xxx xxx {...}

but may be in some cases the upper variant can work, I am not sure ))).

Basically what Ildar said, but to add on a bit:

What you need to understand is that after the | the CSS that follows will go into a <card-mod> element inside the last element you navigated to with the part before the |.

My guess here (without seeing the HTML) is that the .button-card-main class sits on that last div so you can’t apply the style inside it — it’s a done deal by that point. You must go up one level.

Also, that div selector targets specifically a div with ID #aspect-ratio to disambiguate it from other divs there possibly might be at the same level.

The least frustrating approach for me to do things with card-mod is to add or change the CSS in a live page until I get what I want and then backwards to figure out how I must configure it.

Is there a way to make mushroom chip cards transparent? I can make other mushroom cards transparent with card mod using the following but it doesn’t work with chip cards

      style: |
        ha-card {
          --paper-card-background-color: transparent;
          --secondary-background-color: transparent;
          background: transparent;
          border: transparent;
          box-shadow: none

Hi, I need some help with a conditional card that I need to configure with a max width.

type: conditional
      - entity: input_boolean.mail_to_collect
        state: 'on'
      type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      entity: input_boolean.mail_to_collect
      icon: mdi:mailbox
      primary: Hay Cartas
      content_info: name
      icon_color: red
      badge_icon: mdi:email
      badge_color: red
        action: more-info
        style: |
          :host {
            max-width: 120px;
      style: |
        hui-conditional-card {
          max-width: 5px;
        hui-conditional-card:first-child {
          max-width: 120px;
        :host {
          --column-max-width: 120px;
          max-width: 120px;
        #root {
          max-width: 120px;

Could you help me, please? I want to configure the conditional card with a max width of 120 px.

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: menu
  - type: back
  - type: entity
  - type: spacer
  - type: light
    entity: light.yeelight_lamp
  - type: spacer
  style: |
      ha-card {
         --chip-background: red; #in your case --chip-background: none;
         --chip-box-shadow: none;

For mushroom card all, what you need is here:
Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily :mushroom: - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)
for example

Cheers mate :slight_smile:

your code is working, but not this one:

  show_name: true
  show_icon: true
  show_state: false
  type: glance
      $: |
        state-badge {
          margin: 0px !important;
          background: pink;
          margin-top: 0px;
          margin-bottom: 0px;
  columns: 24
  state_color: false
    style: |
      ha-card {
       background: rgb(0,0,0,0) !important;
      .entity {
        border-left: 0.1em solid #aaaaaa;
      .entity:nth-of-type(24)  {
        border-right: 0.1em solid #aaaaaa;
      {%- for i in range(1,25) -%}
        .entity:nth-of-type({{i}})  {
          padding: 0 0 7em;
          margin: 0 0 7em; 
      {% endfor %}
card_param: entities
    - entity_id: sensor.forecast_new_h*
  exclude: null
  method: entity_id
  numeric: true
show_empty: true
  grid-area: header```

I cannot get rid of the margin in my code… could you help?

  show_name: true
  show_icon: true
  show_state: false
  type: glance
      $: |
        state-badge {
          margin: 0px !important;
          background: pink;
          margin-top: 0px;
          margin-bottom: 0px;
  columns: 24
  state_color: false
    style: |
      ha-card {
       background: rgb(0,0,0,0) !important;
      .entity {
        border-left: 0.1em solid #aaaaaa;
      .entity:nth-of-type(24)  {
        border-right: 0.1em solid #aaaaaa;
      {%- for i in range(1,25) -%}
        .entity:nth-of-type({{i}})  {
          padding: 0 0 7em;
          margin: 0 0 7em; 
      {% endfor %}
card_param: entities
    - entity_id: sensor.forecast_new_h*
  exclude: null
  method: entity_id
  numeric: true
show_empty: true
  grid-area: header```

I can’t easily reproduce that card so I can’t help you beyond telling you that you misspelled entity.