šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Does it work now?

if you still wanted to use CTC and change the tittle colour and size try this

type: custom:config-template-card
  STATE: states['sun.sun'].state
  - sun.sun
  type: entities
    style: |
      ha-card .card-header {
        font-size: 50px;
        color: red;
  title: ${"CyberPower " + STATE}
    - sun.sun

change for your entities

the code does work and it was answered by someone in another topic. What I wanted was to reduce the size of the card title which apparently is not doable with CTC. No biggie. Was more of a wish list thing.

Nope - hence my post. Not sure how to fix it

many many thank youā€™s. this is working as I had hoped. thanks to other who offered suggestions.


type: custom:config-template-card
  STATE: states['sensor.ups_modelname_2'].state
  - sun.sun
  type: entities
    style: |
      ha-card .card-header {
        font-size: 15px;
  title: ${"CyberPower " + STATE}
    - entity: sensor.ups_serialno_2
      name: Serial Number
    - entity: sensor.ups_status_2
      name: Status
    - entity: sensor.ups_load_2
      name: Load
    - entity: sensor.ups_timeleft_2
      name: Time Left
    - entity: sensor.ups_nominv_2
      name: Nominal Input Voltage
    - entity: sensor.ups_nompower_2
      name: Nominal Output Power

In case someone wants to see the final result.

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See no errors which you described.

But (unrelated to your error):

  1. You have not provided ā€œelseā€ value.
  2. Typo - ā€œeifā€.
  3. Use simply ā€œ.valueā€ (no need to copy/paste & use blindly a code from examples, you can see that dom structure was changed since the time that ā€œ.text-content:not(.info)ā€ was posted).
  4. I usually do not suggest using
{% if ... %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} ;

this is more flexible (and note ā€œ-ā€):

{% if ... -%}
color: xxx;
{%- else -%}
color: xxx;
{%- endif %}

Thank you for that! Iā€™ve made the changes but still getting that error. Can you see any problems?

Sorry not on my laptop at the moment

Oh, you meant Entity card, and I told you about Entities.
Yes, I see this WARNING in Entity card:

Since this is a Warning - you still can save the card.

I believed that you meant Entities - cause this card-mod is for Entities.
Surely it cannot be used for Entity card.

It used to work before the latest update. My error also looks different to yours:

Trust me, card-mod code for a row inside Entities card never (at least from September 2020) worked for Entity cardā€¦

If for ā€œwork beforeā€ you mean ā€œthere were no this warningā€ - have no ideaā€¦
Imho these warnings appeared approximately at the time when "card_mod: keyword was added.

I got it to work here:


this can never have worked (anywhere), because you use the states() method, where you need to use the is_state() method.

(also the already mentioned typos for the eif of course, but that is a mere typo, and not a fundamental templating error. use this:

            {% if is_state(config.entity,'Good') %} automatic
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'Moderate') %} yellow
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'Poor') %} orange
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'Very Poor') %} red
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'Severe') %} purple
            {% elif is_state(config.entity,'Hazardous') %} red
            {% else %} black
            {% endif %}

was it already mentioned that ā€˜automaticā€™ probably is an odd template outcome in this regard?

you can use a ā€˜mapperā€™ in this case:

{% set state = states(config.entity) %}
{% set quality = {'Good':'automatic',
                  'Very Poor':'red',
                  'Hazardous':'red' } %}

btw using ā€˜redā€™ twice.

This is Entities card, not Entity card

btw, did you consider using a template-entity-row title template?
the config-template-card is a terrible memory hog, and, if all you want is to reflect the state of that sensor entity, just use it inside the entities card itself?
Maybe not even as a template-entity-rowā€¦ a plain entity would provide all the info at a glance, without hogging your view.

config-template-card is best use sparsely and only for those cases where you actually need to change the card config itself, not so much for displaying a string somewhere. Of course you can, but it is very much a waste of resources.

if you must use it in the header, add it to an embedded markdown card in the stack. and then position that nicely using card-mod (bringing it back on topic here :wink: )

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I believe marius is on about something like this.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: markdown
      style: |
        ha-card {
          font-size: 20px;
          margin-bottom: -10px;
          border-bottom: none;
          border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px;
    content: CyberPower {{ states('sensor.kettle_wifi_status')}}
  - type: entities
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border-top: none;
          border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
      - entity: sensor.ups_serialno_2
        name: Serial Number
      - entity: sensor.ups_status_2
        name: Status
      - entity: sensor.ups_load_2
        name: Load
      - entity: sensor.ups_timeleft_2
        name: Time Left
      - entity: sensor.ups_nominv_2
        name: Nominal Input Voltage
      - entity: sensor.ups_nompower_2
        name: Nominal Output Power

you could use stack-in-card which makes it seamless between the two. obviously just change out my senaor

exactly that yes, thanks
also, no need for stack-in-card, just use card-mod to remove the gaps between the cards
other than that, this is what I do in most of the cards where I need the Title to reflect some actual state.

that, or use a custom:button-card, with specific ā€˜headerā€™ stylings.


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thank you. I will play around with the new code suggestion. I think right now I am just trying to maximize the space I have on the tabs I have on my dashboard. Clean stuff up a bit. Still in the very early stages as I stumble my way through stuff.

Can confirm it does work @Frosty @Mariusthvdb - I am deferring to you guys about CTC being a memory hog. As is I wonder if my experience is not optimized due to me using Firefox. Wonā€™t use Edge or Chrome - wonā€™t go there why I wonā€™t. I see no difference which is good. I might still play around with the border-radius so this can be more compact. Like to get the values pushed more over to the left. Wish list. I am happy with this.


thank you so much! Iā€™ll try it out :slight_smile:

sure, welcome.
let us know your findings