Card-mod assistance need (small tutorial possibly)

Hello all,

Could someone give me a bit of assistance with the following:

Below is the yaml I have at the moment:

All works well but I would like to have the text of the room in yellow font.

Could someone help me with getting to that solution. I had help in getting the below style information from another forum post so to be honest, I didn’t come up with that either.

Thank you all for any assistance you can give.

type: custom:minimalistic-area-card
    .buttons ha-icon-button:not(.state-on):
      state-badge $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          color: black !important;
title: Back Deck
area: back_deck
shadow: true
hide_unavailable: true
state_color: true
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /dashboard-automatic/back-porch
  - entity: light.all_back_deck_lights
  - entity: switch.back_deck_fountain
  - entity: switch.back_deck_speaker_power

Suggest to ask in the main card-mod thread

Ahh, I follow. I will give that a try and see what happens. Thank you!!