This problem with card-mod happened some time ago. On my lighting card I used card-mod to create state controlled colored borders. This no longer works. I redownloaded the current version, 3.0, and while installing I noticed that the js file was no longer located in the folder my config was pointing to. I edited the config to reflect the new location but nothing changed. When in the ‘resource manager’ I see the card-mod.js file and the notation that it is automatically loaded. Does this indicate that the frontend: / extra_module_url entry is no longer valid or required?
Are you downloading it in HACS. If so, you shouldn’t have to do anything else. What is your code that is no longer working?
well, this should be added manually:
- /local/community/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js
along with adding this JS as a resource - which is done by HACS automatically if the main mode of dashboard is “storage”:
mode: storage
# resources: .. this part may be defined only if mode=yaml
... yaml-mode dashboards
and if mode=yaml - then even HACS proposes to users to add a resource manually via UI.
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Wow. This one is new to me. I don’t have it added but just seen this in the docs like you stated.
While card-mod can be installed as a lovelace resource, some functionality will benefit greatly from it being installed as a frontend module instead.
What have I been missing by not having it?
Erm, more stability may be?)))