I wanted help to create a thermostat card, I can’t create it, I’m just starting out in this field and I wanted to know what steps I have to learn to create it
As in: add the one there is to the dashboard, or design/write the code for a different one alltogether?
I want to design, I haven’t started anything yet, I’m in box 0, I still need to create the entity and the sensors but I can’t
That is why I asked. If you are starting out, not even have a climate entity to begin with, then also taking on developing custom cards? That is a whole different area. It can be fun, but would not be the first place to start. What device do you have integrated that you would want to apply your self-designed climate card to then?
I want to add an air conditioner, I just want it to show on and off and the current temperature, I’m using an esp 3266