I am wanting to have a card on a dashboard that shows the last x number of MQTT events that match a certain topic, however the topic uses wildcards.
This is the command that that shows the relevant messages on the linux box.
mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -v -t 'solar_assistant/+/+/set' -t 'solar_assistant/set/response_message/state'
I can do similar with a “Logbook Card” however this would not give the ‘solar_assistant/set/response_message/state’, this message shows the device has received and processed the message, this is a critical part, as without this message the setting will not have applied.
I am using SolarAssistant along with solar forecast, and agile energy pricing to either, charge, hold off using, or use a battery. It is being done by several different automatons. At the moment this seems like a better way than writing a custom integration/blueprint to send the various messages
An example output from the aforementioned command is below.
solar_assistant/inverter_2/grid_charge/set Enabled
solar_assistant/set/response_message/state Saved.
solar_assistant/inverter_2/grid_peak_shaving/set Disabled
solar_assistant/set/response_message/state Saved.
solar_assistant/inverter_2/stop_battery_discharge_capacity/set 20
solar_assistant/set/response_message/state Saved.
solar_assistant/inverter_2/grid_charge/set Enabled
solar_assistant/inverter_2/grid_peak_shaving/set Enabled
solar_assistant/set/response_message/state Saved.
solar_assistant/inverter_2/grid_peak_shaving_power/set 30
I can’t see a way to have this as a card, and if anyone knows a way that would be amazing.