Hello all,
No update yet for the pop-up card but i did update the homekit panel card!
I just released an update of the homekit card: https://github.com/DBuit/Homekit-panel-card
What is added/fixed/changes:
- Add column support . This is optional but if you wanna use this the yams looks a bit different because you have to name the rows and columns in the readme there will be an example.
- Display state info like brightness percentage for lights or last_changed for sensors not after the state (on/off) but in a circle inspired by A different take on designing a Lovelace UI
- Custom hold_action. I added the tap_action before and now you can also customize the hold_action the same way
- Custom double_tap_action. Just like hold you can also set a double_tap_action. By default if no double_tap is defined it will activate the tap action.
- Icon spin. You can set spin: true on your entity and the icon will start spinning when the state == on can be useful for ventilation for example
- Small css changes/fixes
- Rewriten the readme
With the new columns you can now make in interface like this: